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Zappo (Jul 26, 2003)
Im trying a new method of layering.....Comments would be greatly appriciated!
2 comments – latest 2:
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 26, 2003)
actually, i shun layering like the devil. the only time i use it is in a picture with lineart... and that would be 2 layers... or in a picture with lots of lighting effects. i think this came out pretty good, but you could have cleaned up the outline a little more. i like the 'messy' smudge effects on the skin, and the indefinite light source. people say you need an obvious light source, but they are wrong!! :D
Zappo (edited Jul 27, 2003)
I would fix it but my friend oekaki turned on me and wont let me con't pics.....
drawn in 44 min with OekakiBBS
Zinc (Jul 26, 2003)
You can find them in the local toy store deep.. deep under your bed.
7 comments – latest 4:
purplestarfishy (edited Jul 27, 2003)
wow they rock and the lines are so clean me loves =^.^=
Zinc (edited Jul 27, 2003)
Sure, Raenboe. Just take a long trip under your bed and bring $5 with you.
- $
raenboe (edited Jul 27, 2003)
Yayness! *buys cute wittle doll and gets hand bitten off*
concannon (edited Jul 28, 2003)
*follows raenboe* *buys the red one* *gains an attachment to her shoulder* ...ow. Damn fangs.

*cough* Anyway. Adorable. Greats lineart.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 26, 2003)
holy fork my hand hurts.. and im not near done.. still needs some cleaning up on the lineart and color

this is version 2.. i messed up and saved 2 layers into one the first time.. >_< how do i not do that?

[edit: ok so almost done, just gotta make a bg.. damn grainyness]
4 comments – latest 4:
marcello (edited Jul 26, 2003)
layers aren't saved on this board. However, it's easy to color, just set the lineart layer to multiply, and color on a layer under it.
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 26, 2003)
um... camel toe? just a leetle bit there... anyway, we all love that cute little clown
ArchMageZeratuL (edited Jul 27, 2003)
I really don't like her face. :(

But the rest of it is excellent!
Einz (edited Jul 27, 2003)
i like it, the face is like in your other drawings
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Turtlebuster (Jul 26, 2003)
i really don't know about this.. i almost don't like it, but i like it anyway
EDIT: eww, the jpjg messes this one up really bad.. how much larger would png be?
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Jul 26, 2003)
it's not that much better as png =P
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 26, 2003)
eesh. what was i thinking when i made this.
jord (edited Jul 27, 2003)
i kind of like the pic.... maybe it's a bit too pastel but hmm...that's for ones not a bad thing...i like the way the blurrieness doesn't get in the way of the clear view...
drawn in 17 min with PaintBBS
furyofroy (Jul 26, 2003)
Happy early birthday to you too, Wasil! Sorry its so sloppy...Line art took forever...>_< I hope you like it!
3 comments – latest 3:
Maiko (edited Jul 26, 2003)
^__^ hee hee ^__^ thanks menchi!
i love it ^__^ sorry i wasnt able to spend more time on yer pic.. ;__;
but thanks ^__^
i lub you!
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 26, 2003)
well then, happy birthday, miss. wonderful drawing, furyofroy :)
Marienkind (edited Jul 26, 2003)
it's someone's birthday? ooh, happy birthday madame! the drawing's very sexy. heehee. the cake looks like it's floating!
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with PaintBBS
Eliafin (Jul 26, 2003)
*dies* X.x This is my first drawing with Lascaux so I put a LOT of effort in to it. Now the timer's off by about 15 minutes, even so, that's the longest I've ever spent on a drawing! ^_^ The bg sucks 'cause I'm useless at them -_-;; C&C would be nice ^_^;;
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Jul 26, 2003)
You might try adding detail in the background by using finer brushes (not black).
The lineart is pretty good, nice style. The rays of light look a little cheap, and I'm not sure if they should be there or not, cause at the moment they seem half-assed. I would recommending going over them with freehand eraser/paint until they look more natural.
Otherwise, pretty good for first time in the applet. I take it you picked it up quickly?
Eliafin (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Thank's for the comments, I'll see what I can do about the light, I usually cheat and use the filters on Photoshop! ^_^;; I'll see if I can fix the bg too, I normally don't bother but he needed something to lean on O.o;;
Heheh, I learn fast ^_^;;

:edit: Ack the layers are merged!! -_-;; I don't this I'll be able to do anything. O.o;;
Mikki (edited Aug 5, 2003)
^_^ it's really good, appart from the fact that his body looks a bit sort of square...I dunno, he doesn't have any shoulderblades O.o *is half asleep* don't mind me...
drawn in 3 hours 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mazi (Jul 26, 2003)
hmm i think i played with the foregroud way too much and covered up a lotta detail but its kinda cool still.. and there was a supper break in there somewhere

anyone else feel like when they have all the time in the world they have nothing to draw and when they dont have time they have like a million ideas? gah.
4 comments – latest 4:
Eliafin (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Know the feeling. ^_^;; When I don't have time a doodle a very rough scetch on paper and then when I don't have any ideas but loads of time I can draw out one of thhe doodles ^_^
Great pic, the hand is really good. The orb thing ish cool too.
raenboe (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Wow that's really awesome! I love the perspective of it all and the hair XD!!! Great!!!
Zinc (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Awsome.. Shading and perspective is really great. Great drawing.
- $
Genkaiart37 (edited Jul 29, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 26, 2003)
ok lame title but im idealess.. stupid having to title things.

cut off maybe 15-20 min. not that its relevent.. just saying.
4 comments – latest 4:
Eliafin (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Awww, how romatic O.o;; Very nice coloring. ^_^
Marienkind (edited Jul 26, 2003)
makes me wish i had a love. any gender will do, i'm bi. ^.^

those are very vibrant colors. (oogles)
Mari (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Oh, this is purdiful! The idea is kinda weird (to me anyways) but all in all not a bad picture. ^.^
Ryoko_HomsBaby (edited Jul 27, 2003)
This is exquisite. Makes me wish I was with my crush. *Sighs. Ah Ralique
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with PaintBBS
Zappo (Jul 26, 2003)
Its supposed to be a dinjin <- Spelling?
Dogammit dirty rat basterd oekaki I hate you so.......I didn't messwith the layers this time so what could have went wrong???
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Jul 26, 2003)
dude, what's wrong is you're using a shitty applet.
rydicanubis (edited Jul 28, 2003)
marcello i must disagree.... oekaki can be very delicate and forgiving once you get used to it.
i find it completely fine to work with, in fact i prefer it over paint.

but that's just me... :)
marcello (edited Jul 29, 2003)
and that's the only reason I haven't removed it
drawn in 28 min with OekakiBBS
pyrobarbie (Jul 25, 2003)
she gave up her wings
so that he could fly
up and away
to leave her behind
she wanted him
so much deep inside
but he still had another
one to call his own

edit; ok done ..finito..finished..well whatcha think?

6 comments – latest 4:
Mari (edited Jul 26, 2003)
It's excellent! ^.^ I just love where the idea came from! Nice poem as well! Very well done.
icybluecub (edited Jul 31, 2003)
oh .... *tears* i love your poem! i dunno if it brings out your pic or vice versa! i like how you showed how much she cares about him. makes you think- when little problems show up, he'll fly to her when she calls out to him. and maybe, just maybe, he'll go to her, just to be happy with her! no one else! *think about it in your terms kc, think*
pyrobarbie (edited Jul 31, 2003)
aww thanks sissyfers..u undersood it perfectly ^ ^
delusion86 (Sep 29, 2003)
well kc it's me april, I just got on here since I needed a new backround and I picked one of ur pics! hehee hey I wanted to comment on this one in particular b/c....well kc, it makes me sad now that I understand when I 1st saw it a while back I thought mike but, now I know and I'm so sorry....:( I wish you could tell me maybe you will someday but til then be stronf life sucks I know this....:( but dun worry that why u have friends who care ~.^ <3 ya much byes
drawn in 4 hours with OekakiBBS
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