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Nekoian (Nov 11, 2006)
This is my first time on the Intermediate board....I'm not sure I'm quite good enough yet but.....I did want to work on a bigger

This character lacks a name...but it was fun to work with the tones.
3 comments – latest 3:
kooneli (Nov 11, 2006)
His clothes are drawn so well.

You've got fab movement in his pose.

And tones = love.
beth92093 (Nov 11, 2006)
wow this is so good i love his eyes and clothes well i love every thing bout him this is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cianteed2 (Nov 11, 2006)
I love the varying thickness in your lineart. This is a great!
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
emmamommalag (Nov 11, 2006)
I see trouble on the way.
9 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 11, 2006)
This TOTALLY cracked me up... it's so cute. I adore the moon, but every full moon is trouble. This one looks like he got conked in the head by a couple of comets and he stared directly into the sun for too long or something. This would make a great children's book character.
emmamommalag (Nov 12, 2006)
Hahaha! Glad you all like it. :D
lori (Nov 12, 2006)
aww.. funny face, love it.. and the song too
Sweetcell (Nov 13, 2006)
I believe he's in the middle of his transformation. :) I love the pale shade of yellow against the deep indigo blue.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Miyumi (Nov 11, 2006)
I was bored so i drew my Avatar
4 comments – latest 4:
fire_wolf2319 (Nov 11, 2006)
oooh fun. this is realy cool. is that a coco kitty?
kooneli (Nov 11, 2006)
There are so many little details about this that I adore. Her legs, the kitty, the skull hairclip . . .
fleeting_memory (Nov 11, 2006)
Hehe poor unconcious fish-thing :)
Rukia (Nov 11, 2006)
Ehehe that's adorable :3
I like her little black and white dress and the skull hairpin/earring/necklace :3
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Amethysts (Feb 28, 2006)
first time trying metal...2nd time attempting realism on oekaki =)
8 comments – latest 4:
Amethysts (Sep 23, 2006)
I lost the pen ;_;
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 11, 2006)
You did a great job on the metal part of the pen... that's hard to do. (for me, anyway.. I'm working on something metal right now and it's taking me forever to try to get it right (as usual).
fleeting_memory (Nov 11, 2006)
you're right I have like 5 of those pens laying around somewhere-they're cool looking pens nonetheless.
a_blue_orange (Nov 12, 2006)
i have a pen just like that!!
drawn in 1 hour 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
diver2026 (Jan 24, 2005)
needs some touch ups, i didnt finish cause i was getting bored with the shirt, suggestions would be great
1 comment – latest 2:
Shanghai (Feb 21, 2005)
At first I thought the clothes were too bright and intense since you don't normally see colors like that on people, but considering who the subject is I think it's fitting. I think maybe you should try to define the clothes a little more though by adding some darker lines within the clothing, like around where the seams are. Right now it looks good with the depth and modeling but the seams kind of fade away a bit.
diver2026 (Nov 11, 2006)
drawn in 23 min
went back and cleaned this up a bit - its been unfinished for a longtime.
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Nov 10, 2006)
Build it, tear it apart, then build it stronger. Mold it to satisfaction and shape it to fit. Oh good, your canvas is ready. Now feed your canvas with paint, don't be stingy, your canvas is starving for the stroke of your brush. Feed the canvas with all your want, all your need and all your love. Your painting is growing larger, stronger and more complex. You're a rather good artist, did you know that? I better not say that, you'll get a big head, okay, back to painting. Keep those brush strokes true and build a relationship with your creation. Oh joy, your painting is nearly complete. So much work was this painting, what will come of your labor of love? But, wait, what's this? Something just isn't right with this painting. Hmm, this painting has no future in your art gallery, then again, it never really did, it was just another disposable painting. Another stepping stone to better your craft. So close to perfection, it had potential and could easily be reworked, it obviously craves your attention. But yanno, it would be much easier to just start a new painting. Surely you can paint a better one. Oi vey, look at this studio, it's getting rather crowded, perhaps it's best you burn your 'disposable painting', you need the room for more important things. Set that painting ablaze! Well done, all gone. Ah yes, that's better, now we have room to paint our true vision.
14 comments – latest 4:
a_blue_orange (Nov 12, 2006)
i love the lack of a background
fleeting_memory (Nov 12, 2006)
for some reason this makes me think of a pumpkin-orange I guess :)
DarkCloak (Nov 15, 2006)
He's afraid he's going to be the next disposable painting. heh... How many of your works do you end up setting ablaze, the ones we never see?
Amethysts (Nov 25, 2006)
The 2D version of what I think a golem is.
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Rukia (Nov 10, 2006)
Birthday present for Tegoshi (Yushi) because "I RABU him beri much" <3
Happy 19th birthday :3
4 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Nov 10, 2006)
SO pretty. I love the hair.
Juni_gatsu (Nov 11, 2006)
Pretty pretty eyes, and amazing job on the lips. I love the soft feel to this. And damn that guy Tegoshi is shmexy.
Rukia (Nov 11, 2006)
Haha you like him? :3
I swear he is so much a girl. Except that he's not.
And that baby face makes him look 15. :3
Gemmy619 (Nov 11, 2006)
This is really cute, i especially like the shine on the hair :)
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Rukia (Nov 5, 2006)
Taking a break~ I'm sleepy~~~ @___@
4 comments – latest 4:
Rukia (Nov 8, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours 46 min
Change of plans!!
Rukia (Nov 10, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
Finished :3
Special thanks to maimai for giving me the space <3
DarkCloak (Nov 15, 2006)
Nicely done.
Did the letter hold bad news?
Sweetcell (Nov 16, 2006)
I really adore your colorig style, on everything. Tree, fence, girl. Always look forward to seeig a new piece by you. And ya, looks like bad news.
drawn in 9 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kloxboy (Nov 10, 2006)
You think that's healing that you're feeling? That pain in the depths of your chest that lingers throughout the day, you know what that is? Make no mistake, it's not healing, it's not creation, it's death. That's right, death. Cold and barren of anything resembling life, that is what you're feeling. The death of what was and what could have been, the death of possibility, the death of opportunity and the death of unity. The choice is to feed the virus, to let it consume something beautiful and right. This is the correct path? I don't think so, no, not at all.
11 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Nov 11, 2006)
wow. You are a master!
DarkCloak (Nov 15, 2006)
Nice! Are you coming up with these little paragraphs? If so, double nice! :P
Kloxboy (Nov 15, 2006)
DarkCloak: Yes, it's all connected.
Sweetcell (Nov 16, 2006)
Looks like a wise old alien, I mean I see the deformed belly but also an alien.
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DarkCloak (Nov 10, 2006)
. . .
8 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Nov 10, 2006)
fleeting_memory (Nov 11, 2006)
I love seeing your stuff-its been a while. The guy (kissing or praying over) with the cross just adds to the feel of finality. Awesome job.
Deino (Nov 11, 2006)
You know what I love form your drawing DarkCloack? That even in a "cartoon" style, they convey such a dramatism and emotion....
~~PuFFeR~~ (Nov 16, 2006)
Wow...I just looked at your user board, and you are very good!
drawn in 3 hours 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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