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Shanghai (Jun 22, 2008)
I was going to have another thread to vote on the next contest theme, but here's what I'm thinking- we've been voting on what contests we want next for a while now and I'm wondering if this is the method everyone wants to stick with. Any other ideas? Any suggestions for improvement? Maybe we should change the length or frequency of the contests?
I'm asking because some of the contests lately have had kind of low participation, despite being whatever people voted that they wanted the contest to be about. I'm usually happy to have ten people in the contest, but often there's less than that. Hopefully there's something that can be done differently or at least done better that'll drum up some more activity. |
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davincipoppalag (Jun 22, 2008)
Well .the topics have been on the difficult side so not everyone felt up to entering...maybe keep voting but try to make them a little more simple?
GoldDragonfly (Jun 22, 2008)
maybe they could be one per month, so that way people will have more time to think what to draw and time to work on it, and seeing others entries can encourage them to join... i like difficut subjects though x) but they need more time... like the last one, im not a big fan of the rococo style.. but i found very interesting the idea of learn about it and try to draw something like that on our own... but if you wanna make the contest weekly i agree with davincipoppalaq and the subjects could be more simple... (sorry for my bad english :P )
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davincipoppalag (Jun 22, 2008)
Well you have the talent to pull off a subject like that.. lots of us can't do it.. =D
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Sweetcell (Jun 22, 2008)
I was going to remark that participation has been low. It may be because of the subject matter but the other reason I'm sure is it's summer, people are enjoying the outdoors, specially the kids out of school.
We did have the incentive of prizes at one point, that's since been dropped. Maybe what can be done (and this is up to Cello) is that the winner's piece is featured on the front page separately for the two weeks the next contest is running. Maybe above the latest pictures/posts threads. So that way the winner will always see it when they log on till the next contest is chosen. A sort of form of prestige or what have you. Course I don't know how this would work as I'm not a programmer, but I think that would make the contest more interesting. And maybe do have it longer than two weeks so people can work more on them and a new theme doesn't have to be rushed. See if anyone else have any ideas. |
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davincipoppalag (Jun 23, 2008)
The 2draw books would be lovely prizes!
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deathking (Jun 23, 2008)
I've been saying that since the book and prizes occurred but nobody cares what the redhead has to say.
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Sweetcell (Jun 23, 2008)
*pats the redhead and admires his cherry*
Shanghai (Jun 23, 2008)
it's not that I didn't see your suggestion, it's that I have no involvement with the book. I haven't seen it, don't know the printing schedule, the quantities, the cost, who's in it, etc. So I don't really have the say as to whether it can be a prize or not, because it's not mine to give out.
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davincipoppalag (Jun 23, 2008)
I know.. we are just puttin it out there in case O'Cello feels magnanimous
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Axil62 (Jun 24, 2008)
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klm21 (Jun 28, 2008)
i think maybe if there would be like a new bourd for the winners of the contests so all of the winning drawng could be in there
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deathking (Jun 29, 2008)
That would be a nice idea. Maybe like a one week specialness after you win, like pretty little comments or maybe give them more influence on the next contest.
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