boardsintermediateWhooo Whooo
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drawn in 3 hours 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
QTgillie (Mar 19, 2008)
This is a barred owl. Ned to do some additional work on the background. Any comments welcome.
QTgillie (Mar 19, 2008)
drawn in 2 hours 43 min
jpjp1052 (Mar 19, 2008)
Wonderful so far.
FuzzyWuzzy (Mar 19, 2008)
Oh so lovely.
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2008)
I like him, I assume you will be doing more to the eyes, too? Good feathers.
KathyH (Mar 19, 2008)
I agree, the feathers are great. Can't wait to see it finished, I love owls!
QTgillie (edited Mar 20, 2008)
I dont like the background but that was what the ref. pic looked like, but I think the pic looks too busy....and that is probly why they are so hard to see up high in the trees, they just blend in.........not sure what to do.............. also Davinci, the eyes in the ref pic do not show much detail...only darkness. I will have to dosome researching of this owl!!

All comments suggestions welcome
QTgillie (Mar 20, 2008)
drawn in 33 min
I have researched the Barred owl a little bit. It is true that he and one other owl do not have the distinctive yellow eyes. The other owl like this is the Barn owl. This guy gets his name (Barred) from the distinctive bars going lengthwise acrosse his chest. I had fun drawing him, I hope you have fun learning about him. We had these owls right by our home on the lake out in Western Minnesota.
STARZSHINE (Mar 20, 2008)
Nice owl, Laura you are doing really nice pics, if I might add a suggestion, I think the problem with the background isn't so much the busyness as it lays more within the tonality of the colors, everything is at the same level of saturation in color, the background either needed to be darker or hazy a bit more. Possibly the tree behind the owl is too much the same color as the owl and you loose him just a bit. the same is true with the white branches of the trees below the owl, they are again too similar to the underbelly of the owl. Or sometimes it helps to just leave certain aspects of a pic completely out in order to make the best composition for the main subject. I am not sure how you did your layers, but you might have done the background as the first layer, then the owl and the branch he is one for the second layer, and then do the branch in the foreground for the third layer that way you can visually see what the pic will look like with or without certain additions, also you could go back to your first layer and use the blur tool, or darken the layer, there are tools on the left side of the applet, that allows for that, experiment with them on another pic for practice and see what you can do with them and you will see what I mean. I hope this might give you a few ideas...
FuzzyWuzzy (Mar 20, 2008)
*Takes down notes from Starz* I see what you guys are saying but I still like the picture, I love owls and this one is what was fishing from my pond last summer, he always seemed to take the goldfish but left the koi alone, didn't know why, maybe they looked icky to him.
Meno (Mar 21, 2008)
You are doing amazing work here, Laura ... hat's off to you!
gel_o (Mar 21, 2008)
I love it QT....this is very good!
Aakyra (Mar 22, 2008)
As I said... I like it as it is! Excellent QT!
jpjp1052 (Mar 22, 2008)
This turned absolutely magnificent.
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