*Blushes at Daves comment. I must admit Dave...I am one of those kind. This looks so incredibly real, makes me want a bite! I love the ribbon too. Very nice indeed.
For a bunny who just got his ears lopped off, he looks pretty happy! Christine sent me a funny off the intratubes with a pic of a pair of chocolate bunnies ... one's missing his tail, the other the top of his head ... so the one bunny sez to the other: "My ass hurts" and the other replies: "....What?" .... yeah, well, guess you had to be there ;D
I actually eat the whole back of the bunny first leaving the front in tact so it looks like I still have a whole bunny-untilyou turn it around. I'm weird I guess. lol. Great draw! Nummie!
Cool drawing, he looks like me, big eyes as if he's also on a sugar-rush (just ate some selfmade honey-caramels)
I do the same fleet :D. Hiding from everybody I'm such a big pig. Each year we get a choccy bunny from work that is 20 inches. A LOT of bunny to devour.
I'm a candy picker myself if they have them......eyes first, (ewwww....eyeless bunny!), then the candied flower! Yum! If not, then I'm an ears gal.....lol.
OMG, lol, love this jp, you caught the candy eyes perfectly, lol, boy what childhood memories this evokes, lol, of course we always ate the ears off first! too cute, I am not even sure I have seen these hollow candy bunnies anywhere anymore, now most of the rabbits are covered in foil, what a shame though cause the easter baskets we had as children were so much more festive. again amazing work dahling! I used to love the sugar eggs that were a panorama, again, I don't think they make 'em anymore, too cost and labor intensive for this commercialism nowa days.
ahh there you are! I heard you were over here. I'm afraid I couldn't take another bite - just stuffed a whole chocolate egg! He sure looks surprised to find himself earless . . .
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I do the same fleet :D. Hiding from everybody I'm such a big pig. Each year we get a choccy bunny from work that is 20 inches. A LOT of bunny to devour.
I'm a candy picker myself if they have them......eyes first, (ewwww....eyeless bunny!), then the candied flower! Yum! If not, then I'm an ears gal.....lol.