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drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
gel_o (Mar 15, 2008)
Is it Spring yet?
gel_o (Mar 15, 2008)
drawn in 2 hours 4 min
davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2008)
It will be soon.. I hope. Pretty colors
Meno (Mar 15, 2008)
Really pops off the screen, gel .... lovely!
FuzzyWuzzy (Mar 15, 2008)
A clematis, lovely...wait Meno said that, its very lovely *grins* one of my favorites but unfortunately I can't grow them here *sniffles*.
jpjp1052 (Mar 15, 2008)
I see you're finally getting some time to draw. Very nice picture.
QTgillie (Mar 15, 2008)
Fuzzy, I can grow them, why cant you? They do quite well here as a matter of fact. Just need to put them on the correct side of the house. The one I had in Willmar faced West and it thrived. Good old miricle Grow is my green thumb!

Sorry gel.....this is very lovely. So glad you have found somr drawing time....good for the soul.
STARZSHINE (Mar 19, 2008)
ooooo one of my fav flower vines, I have several, love them, mine bloom all summer, I have the deep violets and one that is similar to your pic, I would love to get some white ones and I saw a few scarlet ones I would love to have. I just need a taller trellis for mine, I have had them for about 5 years now and they are huge they have outgrown their trellises. :( this year, maybe they will get a new one! very nice work!
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