forumsdrawing discussiontablets.
mazi (Sep 18, 2003)
ok im lookin for a bit of help. i figure you people might be more up on the topic than i am, and as well might be of some interest to some people.

im doing a project on tablets and how they work etc for comp tech, but, i cant find any info on the actual workings of it. just reviews and people trying to sell it.. i know the basics but i wanna make sure i have all the technical stuff down. anyone know anything about it or where they might send me for some info?

-the mazi
Fin_beast (Sep 18, 2003)
lol! Thats exactly what i need right now! The workings of it! Im doing a project in ICT.
ShadowKitten (Sep 27, 2003)
uhm.. if its not to late it depends on the tablet. I think that some tablets work by having coils and they do it sumehow magneticaly???
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