this is awesome, im terrible at 2draw all together.. im not brilliant at drawing on the computer but yeahh.. ive never done collab before, id be scared to wreck it :P
This is why I love collabs, the best coloring is always done on my lineart. Such great colors and I cant even do backgrounds and I didnt ask for one so I commend you with 5+points and a cupcake pony!
drawn in 24 min
I volunteer to color... I've never done a collab before. ^^;
drawn in 24 min
You're welcome. ^^ Are there any prefferences or anything when it comes to coloring?
I'll do my best!
im alright at colouring though
awesome picture x
drawn in 1 hour 15 min
I'm so slow at coloring... x_x
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
Sorry about the background...
XD Thank you!