Wow, it's like a Dali piece. There's so much happening here it really grabs your attention and keeps it as your seeing new things all the time. So imaginative and different, and I always love different. KNPMASTER's right, this would make a cool tattoo, though it might make the tattoo'ist slightly mad inking thngs in. :D Really nicely done Hokori.
Oh, I don't think this needs to be 13+, since there's only one little nip showing.
This reminds me of that one crazy contest win a while ago...I need to find it, but anyway I really like it, and its so different...refreshing to see some new art on here once in a while :-)
Everytime I look at this I see something new I didn't notice before
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drawn in 8 min
drawn in 1 hour 2 min
Hm... I'll put lots of detail into her.
drawn in 37 min
drawn in 8 min
Should this be +13? Or higher?
drawn in 37 min
Oh, I don't think this needs to be 13+, since there's only one little nip showing.
Everytime I look at this I see something new I didn't notice before