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Kloxboy (Jun 2, 2007)
Hello new people! And welcome returning members.
We've got a few new people coming in, as well some older members returning via summer break. If you're new to 2Draw and want to get to know the community, introduce yourself here and perhaps tell us something about yourself. If you're a returning member, you're welcome to reintroduce yourself. For starters: - How did you find out about 2Draw? - What's your favorite thing to draw? - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? New Members: I highly recommend you read the Site Docs before you do anything on this site, the 2Draw.net Rules are especially helpful for new members. Have fun! -Cloxboy |
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solve (Jun 2, 2007)
lol Hi Kloxboy.
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Kloxboy (Jun 2, 2007)
:P Hi Solve.
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Sweetcell (Jun 2, 2007)
helo, i'mnu here, i lik 2 draw. i draw awsum. *___*
wait till u all c how gret i am..... i'll blo ur minds. XDDDDDDD |
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doodledaniel (Jun 2, 2007)
I'm new :D
davincipoppalag has a doodlebug account and it said in his portfolio something about 2draw so I googled and found this my favorite thing to draw is cars, and you will probably see plenty of em from me here. yes, I have drawn online before, on doodlebug. but thats about it. I also recently started using corel painter. |
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Kloxboy (Jun 2, 2007)
Sounds good doodledaniel, I like what you've drawn thus far. Dave is everywhere it seems, I imagine many people have found their way here through him.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 2, 2007)
I'm not sure what I am. I know I'm not new, and I'm "kinda gone", but I've not actually been "gone" enough to classify myself as an "older returning member"... well, for one thing I don't consider myself old, and I'm not sure if I've been gone long enough to be "returning"... or "if" I'm returning. Wouldn't I have to paint pictures here to be considered returning? LOL I'm just really in limbo right now... hanging out in "cyber space". My computer is acting so weird that I'm pretty sure it has a horrible, terminal virus...it's pissing me off, I don't have the patience for it, and I'm eyeballing my shotgun, and wondering how many yards I could step back and completely get rid of the hard drive to this thing. (after I haul it outside, of course) I actually did that with the last computer I had. It was so liberating.
Hey, Juno, have you ever considered going into politics? LOL oh yeah, welcome new people, and old people that decided there was nothing better to do |
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Rudeezy (Jun 2, 2007)
Omg how do I draw like youz? ^_^
Nah, just kidding. - How did you find out about 2Draw? I really don't remember anymore. D: - What's your favorite thing to draw? Probably anime. BUT! I am trying to get into realism and other things. - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? Maybe once on Oekaki Central, but otherwise nope. what a weird post. :O |
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Kloxboy (Jun 2, 2007)
DBA: If I was President, I would have you join my Cabinet. You could be the Secretary of Homeland Security and Defense, think you can handle both of them Cindy?
Rysufio: If this post is your idea of weird, I suggest you get out more. |
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Anna (Jun 2, 2007)
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 2, 2007)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeah, with a little help from my friends. :D... So, when do we start?
oh, and Anna has to be part of the staff, it'll work better that way, see... |
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HunterKiller_ (Jun 2, 2007)
Helloz evrybdy!
im jus newbie here. i liek to draw anime (kawaii desu!! ^.^) and pokemans. i luv mudkip!!! YAY!!! ^.^ |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 2, 2007)
Does anyone remember what it was like to be new here? The very first memories I have were of Marcello making fun of how my "Cupid" looked "asexual" or something and then Axil saying that my Wild Bill Hickock looked like he was wearing eyeliner, and that if I lived nearby we should get together and have cheap meaningless sex. or just get a Big Mac and sit in awkward silence trying to act like the whole thing was a good idea.... and Staci asking if the branches on trees in Texas "tapered" because mine didn't. LOL Those were THE DAYS. |
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Kloxboy (Jun 2, 2007)
DBA: I dunno, how many guns do you own? For you and I to take over, we'd need a lot of guns and ammunition, how else are we gonna get past them White House gates and guards? We also need a lot of crazy followers. We'll promise them freedom, tax cuts, educational and economic growth, yanno, the usual lies. It's a start!
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 2, 2007)
I haven't counted them, ever, I have racks and closets full. My husband and Daddy and Uncle and my brothers have racks and closets full. My Daddy has storage buildings full of them, ammo with reloading equip, we have tons of ammo and reloading equip... we're good to go. If somebody gets the actual guns,we know how to make them out of PIPE. hahah. What caliber do you want? :D I know this guy, see, his name is Ted, he's really good at getting people to listen and follow... I know his number... no problem. :)
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Kloxboy (Jun 2, 2007)
DBA: Excellent, it's all coming together. Maybe Ted should be the President, he can translate my politics to the people. He can be my political puppet.
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enjoydotcom (Jun 2, 2007)
I consider myself being relatively new here..
- How did you find out about 2Draw? > Through the pressure sensitivety thingy I had to upload :D - What's your favorite thing to draw? > It varies, sometimes realism-ish and sometimes childish drawings (meant for children) - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? > yup, but only 2, so you could consider me a virgin. (ha) And than something other about me (it is an introduction, right?). Well I'm Dutch, 32 yrs old, live together with my boyfriend in a small village, with one of his motorcycles in my livingroom (no joke, its a pretty one tho), I have a fulltime job (who cares), and mostly see the fun and good in things, altho I can be a bit of a wise-ass and snappy. |
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Maiko (Jun 2, 2007)
I'm...old D': *weeps*
Awesome of you to make a thread like this though! :3 |
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davincipoppalag (Jun 2, 2007)
In the beginning...I just was...............
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lori (Jun 3, 2007)
you confuse me with this Kloxboy vs. Cloxboy thing
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davincipoppalag (Jun 3, 2007)
They're twins...one likes bratwurst..one doesn't..it's easy
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Deino (edited Jun 3, 2007)
I suposse I am a returning member so...
- How did you find out about 2Draw? In a wikipedia oekaki article, I was looking for a new oekaki board... I found heaven. - What's your favorite thing to draw? I dunno... sometimes I enjoy realism, others I just go al surrealist, absurd or macabre. - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? Yes, I spended four years of my life (Since 14 I think) drawing with mouse in a mexican oekaki board... It was a good place, I met some awesome artist and have actualy met (and work) with some of them in real life. Yep, there is where I learned how to draw "correctly" and to be patient lol. Anyway, it was a nice place until the moderator decided he didn't wanted to appear anymore and chaos began: Low quality drawings, users that only disturbed the peace of the place, fights, rants, etc. Then most of the artist in there, incluiding myself, began to migrate. |
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solve (edited Jun 3, 2007)
lol HI
Sometimes I search google for "oekaki", to find cool boards. I found 2draw this way, and joined because there were some very talented artists here. My favorite/frequent genres are: Horror/gore, human anatomy, portraits, abstract. Before I came to 2draw I drew on fearsome, doodledraw, and some other boards (that elude me now). But 2draw is def my first real "home". Thoughts on 2draw: 2draw is really a great place to be. There is a wealth of very talented artists here. The community for the most part is very willing to help one another. With a seemingly small tolerance for bullshit (which I like). The artists who have been here a while also seem bonded (something I do not see in a lot of places), its even fun to see them be brutally honest at times with each other. In fact that is something I like to see, because it shows me they really care enough to be honest with each other, rather the common dick suckery found at deviant art. Plus Lascaux kicks butts. Currently I am trying to get anatomy, coloring, and portrait skills down. After that coloring (more), perspective, and backgrounds. I have done guest works for two undergrounds mangas (very underground). Recently the artist circle I am apart of released an art book, which is slated to re-release in about two months with new content. I do commissions on the side for some change. So yes, thats my life in art and 2draw. |
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Cameo (Jun 3, 2007)
I'd love to see one of those underground mangas with your art in it, Solve! You are a most talented artist. I have memories of what it was like to be a newbie for it was not that long ago. I remember struggling trying to get aquainted with the people on here. For the most part I found this community to be very supportive and although I have a long ways to go, I've learned a lot. I found this site, quite by accident by goggleing.
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solve (Jun 3, 2007)
I can send you the rar file if you like.
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Sweetcell (Jun 3, 2007)
DBA: If I was President, I would have you join my Cabinet. You could be the Secretary of Homeland Security and Defense, think you can handle both of them Cindy? Ah hell, Cindy would be telling the President what to do. Cindy for Secretary of HSD. On a serious note, to make up for my jackassery first post :) - How did you find out about 2Draw? From the Youdraw site, where I was part of the community before I was outed by a bi...... Outed. I actually tried this place once before a looong time ago, 2004, and I admit I was not happy or impressed and, well it didn't go well the first time. Up till then all I knew about draw sites was Youdraw (and that's such a simple site it can't really be counted as an example) Never even heard of Oekaki or what it can do, but since I needed a new home and I saw what this place could be for me, I persevered and now.... I can't think of anywhere else I want to be full time. I was intimidated at first, and took some time to come out of my shell and introduce myself to people here but so many good people opened their arms out to me, welcomed me and treated me like I was an old friend, I knew I found my new home. Cindy, Dave, Axil, Mai, Derrick, Klox (or Clox if your talking about his evil bratwurst twin) so many I'll forget too many names. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we fight, sometimes we tease, and we always have fun. Thanks guys. - What's your favorite thing to draw? Tough one. Sometimes Fantasy, sometimes Space, sometimes cartoons, sometimes realism. I try what inspires me at the moment, and if I think I can handle it I'll even try some anime. Any art is open for me to have a go. I'll say in general I just LOVE to draw. - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? Youdraw, like I mentioned. I have an account on Doodledraw, and sometimes I draw on Fearsome, but they just don't have the spirit or hominess that 2draw has. And hey. LASCAUX!!!!!!!!! I hope I answered alright this time Klox. :) |
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Kloxboy (Jun 3, 2007)
There is no right answer Sweetcell. :) You did a fine job. I still draw on youdraw from time to time, it's nice to go back to those simple roots once in a while. :P
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PolythenePam (Jun 3, 2007)
When I was 15 I was playing Isketch, when someone (her name was -strawberry-, she hasn't drawn here in a long, long time as far as I know) who wasn't talking to me posted a link to 2draw in the chat box and I guess I can't've been too involved in the game at the time.
I like to draw painterly realism. I mean, I like to try to draw painterly realism. I'm horribly embarrassed by the first 11-12 pages of my userboard. I doodled on youdraw a couple of times but I really didn't like it very much, I'm a fan of colour, and sizeable canvases. But speaking of bratwurst, it's always better when you fry it with green peppers and red onions. Always better. I could even convince Clox of it's deliciousness, and THEN how would we tell them apart?! |
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Wraith (Aug 2, 2007)
I'm Wraith a.k.a. Rob. Been here since 2k4. But still draw like a noob. I started off in You draw as Rob-1 you can check out my drawings at this link. http://www.youdraw.com/cgi-bin/recent.pl?artist=Rob-1&rows=1
Funny because I googled Youdraw one time, and I saw a url to 2draw. 2draw website blew me away, and still does. So much great art, it's kinda hard to post comments on all of them. |
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shalalaheartattack (Aug 3, 2007)
I might as well be new, ha. I'm Maria, and I'm working hard daily to separate myself from the n00bs.
- How did you find out about 2Draw?: I googled oekaki, and this one came up. I liked it because there was more to it than anime and generic crap, there were people whose works I saw and admired and whom I considered artists. And it was in English. :P - What's your favorite thing to draw?: It depends on the medium, but concerning oekaki (and most other mediums, save one or two), portraits. I like studying people's faces objectively, especially my own. It's disconcerting, but it's thrilling when you can separate yourself from the recognition of a face and see lines and strokes and crevices and all those lovely things. - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? No. |
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concannon (Aug 3, 2007)
- How did you find out about 2Draw?
My friend Becca (user quintessence) who isn't around here much anymore. - What's your favorite thing to draw? People. Usually not doing much. -__- A habit I need to break myself of. - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? Not before 2draw, no. And for anyone who this managed to slip by - I used to be VisceralVamp. VV? Yes? |
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Maiko (Aug 3, 2007)
8D I remember when you were VV and ConCon and I also remember BecBec D:
good old days :'o - How did you find out about 2Draw? I was in summer school, end of 8th grade....in computer applications class when I randomly found 2draw. - What's your favorite thing to draw? hmm random faces. usually kinda painter-y ones (you guys thought I'd say ANIME huh, well NO mwahas.) and animals. - Have you ever drawn online or on an Oekaki board before? Nupe D: 2draw was my first. |
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deathking (Aug 3, 2007)
I like this thread a lot...
-how did you find out about 2draw Well the way I found out is a long story. Two and a half years I was a fan of teen titans so I was looking up sites and I found titans go after a few look sees. I noticed an oekaki button under communities and clicked and found the titans go main oekaki. I saw pictures that were very good and thought they were mailed in because they were so good, I also saw a lot of couples that made me go "wtf that wouldnt happen" so I wanted to join but I couldnt cause I had no e-mail. After a year and a half I noticed a link to 2-draw and clicked. I got an account and started. Until then I didnt even know about other oekaki sites. -whats your favorite thing to draw? I like drawing girls, the shape of the body is very comfortable to draw, I like drawing clothes with somewhat detail, and I love drawing long hair. Now I would gladly draw more boys but muscle placement confuses me and is hard to remember. -have you ever drawn online or on an oekaki before? nuh uh, im happy to say this is my first oekaki board. Im looking foward to what comes in the next few years and what new styles Ill see. Will be fun ^_^ |
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