strangeoid (Aug 17, 2003)
I'm not finished, but she looks pretty spiffy right now... I've got to go have lunch, so I'l come back later.Edit: There! Now, ain't she pretty? i know she's small, but i plan on drawing a big dragon next, so this was just for fun.
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*tries to hold in ecitement* cool pic. I like the clouds
*starts ranting about the dragons again*
it's a pleasant picture:)
EDIT: historical accuracy has nothing to do with it. the back ground is far to cartoonish for the woman. it looks like 2 totally different people drew the bg and fg. and yes, there is not nealy enough shading.
sketch to the historical society or anything. I could draw somebody who actually LOOKS medieval, but maybe later.
My one question is whether her right (farther) shoulder is a little high, or whether it's intended to suggest that she's picking up her skirts on that side, and that's why her shoulder is lifted a bit out of true? Either way I try to interpret it, her neckline seems a bit out of true on that side, and so I've been wondering what you intended.
I've been trying to master poses similar to this one, and my eye for them seems better than my hands can execute so far, but I find it helpful to learn from others' work. As a result, I'm particularly interested in details of the pose, and how to make it convincing to the eye, that's why I ask.
Regardless of the answer, I still think she's quite pretty and eyecatching -- she really stands out, even at this small size and amid the assortment of other pictures in this portion of your gallery. <smile> I'm browsing through your pictures in chronological order, to see how you got to your present skill level, and seeing your earlier works is encouraging -- it gives me hope that with practise, my own work will likewise progress in skill, from the "merely pretty" (no insult intended) to the "truly stunning", as yours has. <smile>