forums2draw.netTest for 2draw2!
marcello (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Ok, I need people to test that their timezone displays the correct time on the following page for you:

Please post if it's right or wrong, and which timezone you're in, but please don't post if someone has already said your timezone works.

I particularly want people with weirdish timezones to let me know it works alright for them.
Aunvi (edited Aug 10, 2003)
it's right for me. Central America
nyao (edited Aug 10, 2003)
yup. it workz for me. pacific time
Marienkind (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Eastern time, NY. it's working.
mazi (edited Aug 10, 2003)
yep newfoundland times good.
bladefist (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Eastern time also... works well.
raenboe (edited Aug 10, 2003)
I'm Eastern as well, but it's only 2 or 3 minutes off. No big.
coffeejelly (edited Aug 10, 2003)
(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
correct :')
marcello (edited Aug 11, 2003)
raenbow: actually, you're the one who's 2 or 3 minutes off. The actual GMT time that all those times are based on is synced to official time servers. I'm asking for the hours/half hours/quarter hours (ya, that's a weird timezone, lol), not the minutes.
raenboe (edited Aug 11, 2003)
Oh ok. My computer sucks anyway! ;)
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