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drawn in 3 hours 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
safescene (Jul 25, 2003)
bah! stupid brother -.- my first one deleted and he was so beautiful! *sigh* I'll finish later...*disgusted*

edit: more line art
edit: coloooor :) (still not done)
edit: gah! I have to finish later =/
edit: more color. I'm quite please with the face; will finish soon!
safescene (Jul 25, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
safescene (Jul 25, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
safescene (Jul 25, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
mazi (edited Jul 26, 2003)
looking good, hurry and finish =)
purplestarfishy (edited Jul 27, 2003)
wow looking amazing so far =^.^=
safescene (Jul 28, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
safescene (Jul 28, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Jiah (edited Aug 1, 2003)
*gasps!* That sorta looks like Orlando Bloom! :D Yay, yus, finish!
safescene (Sep 1, 2003)
drawn in 14 min
gah, I have to finish later (but I promise I will!)
safescene (Sep 12, 2003)
drawn in 21 min
more color
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