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Showcase entry!
broken-lock14 (Jun 24, 2006)
Holy poop. :o I'm finished. The reason I put this off for so long is that I wanted it to be a birthday picture for my sister. :> I hopeee she likes it.Like I said before, she wanted a girly boy and boy-ish girl together and stuff. 8D;; So the boy is on your left and the girl is on your right. Kay then. :B A big thank you to Pura for the background inspiration. =^*D*^=
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drawn in 34 min
That would be funny if my handwriting actually looked like that. Or if the timer was correct. :'D
drawn in 4 hours 35 min
Oh ho ho, Full snuck his way into my doodle. XD;; Or a Full look-alike? =^o3o^= Hum ho.
drawn in 50 min
wohh woh i can believe that the girl is a little "masculin" but omg the boy X_X!! LOL HAHA i love it <3 can't wait to see the finished product!
drawn in 2 hours 21 min
This is awesome.
@_@ i wanna draw like youuu~
and i'm in love with how you draw eyes =o
This picture makes my eyes happy. Oh so happy.
Psh, you can't confuse me. I watch Psycho le Cemu PVs.
I love how they look
drawn in 5 hours 43 min
I bow down to your skills~ (bows)
drawn in 2 hours 4 min
[Don't....don't mind the blue. XD;; I'll mess with that later.]
I especially like the blondish black hair. You've confused me beyond reason, so he/she is adorable. I have a weakness for emo kids. :3
drawn in 1 hour 27 min
I wish she were a boy. ;o;
I'm so confused. xD;
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
Hee~ I can't wait to see the big finish on this 8D
drawn in 59 min
[Damn, skies are easy. XD;; ]
drawn in 4 hours 38 min
Skai can't make good mouth words because of awesomeness so LOVE. <3333
look at this jem.
word cannot... do... justic-- *stare*
This needs more love. SO. MUCH. MORE. LOVE.
Guupi, you're almighty. Just...gah
<333333 Thank you~so much. 8D I'm so undeserving.
and his superduper art <3 <3
Congratulations Guupi-guu~ :D
but I love this picture anyway!
love those big eyes