boardsbeginnerFresian Horse for the Soul
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drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 3, 2006)
Isn't he soooo awesome? I love fresians they make me happy.... :D
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 28 min
Aww... You people are no fun... don't comment.. fine... be that way... Dark colours rock... I needed to make a dark picture...
marcello (Jun 3, 2006)
that's a pretty ugly horse. your drawing isn't that great either.
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (edited Jun 3, 2006)
Wow.. I feel loved.. not.. I hate it when people do that... tell me what to fix... I'm just drawing... really I am... tired and I just got five stitches taken out of my index finger that is slightly fractured on my dominant hand. I'm not even supposed to be drawing. Marcello you have problems. That is a beautiful Friesian. They are elegant and graceful. They're always jet black, no markings and specialty in dressage. Which, I personally hate compared to jumping, but that's okay.
marcello (Jun 3, 2006)
Well, you should look at the porportions of the horse you are trying to draw, and try to match them on your drawing. If it helps, measure with your thumb, and use those measurements to figure out the approximate sizes for your drawing. Once you have a rough outline of the horse, you can start working on coloring it. A drawing of this nature probably needs a bit more than 30 minutes from an amateur.
But geez, if you're not supposed to be drawing, why are you?
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (edited Jun 3, 2006)
I'm drawing because I have nothing better to do and it's helping me with my anxiousness for tomarrow... I'll try it, but, the first try was better, but I screwed it up by outlining in black instead of a lighter colour that is more visible. Yeah, I'm not an ametuear when it comes to drawing horses. I've been drawing for 10 years. And my first drawing with oil pastels is better than some people I know's now. It's better than a ten year old's drawings.... yeah....
marcello (Jun 3, 2006)
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 12 min
Okay... I fixed it up a bit, but my eyes are hurting, so it's pretty bad....well... sorta..
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 1 min
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 54 sec
Added my sig
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
Shaded... cleaned a bit...
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 3, 2006)
i had a hard time seeing the horse i can't see any of it... (except for the white thing (i forget what it is called)) i can see your signature too...why are you anxious for tomorrow? and you should know that cello isn't afraid to hurt peoples need to get used to it if you are going to keep drawing....i have gotten used to it more now, compared to when i first started...just keep drawing (but not necassarily a whole bunch of pictures in one day) and you will get better
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 4, 2006)
I know... I'm going to Kings Island all day today!!! WOOOOO!!!!! So... I was drawing a lot. It's called a bridle... hmmm.. how can you not see it? Oh yeah... try it with your contacts or glasses.... whichever is the oppisite of what you are wearing.
JK-Arts (Jun 4, 2006)
EZ there marc' i think she is` only 11 and i think with a little more practice, and some time her drawings would shape up nicely.
DrsFan (Jun 4, 2006)
this si looking really good.I can see your drawings in the future being very good,realistic horses.Keep it up!
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 4, 2006)
it doesn't matter as to whether i am wearing my contacts or glasses...the one computer that i draw on at my dad's makes things darker than it is supposed to be...(which is why my pictures look a little bright to me now, but that's besides the point) anyways, now that i am on a different computer, i can say that it looks a lot better than what the first version looked like
GreenEye (Jun 5, 2006)
Well, I must admit, I agree with DrsFan, this young lady has a lot of potential. Just practise on your anatomy and change the thickness of your brushes, and your drawings will start to look good! Everyone has to start somewhere! ^_^
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 5, 2006)
I know I know I know, Drs and Green, but, I have been drawing for much longer on paper, and by hand, which looks a lot better. I'm glad you think it looks better, November! I'm not actually starting though. I was messing around and it turned out like this...
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