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drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
Yay! This took me a while. It doesn't look very good, but it's decent, at least.
I used a reference...See here:
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 18 min
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 13 min
Colored it! Starting to look better...
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 9 min
Added a sparkly background...It's weird.
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
Outliney...I like it better now.
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
Did some shading and blending and other pretty things.
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (edited Jun 3, 2006)
Thin out your lines!! The colours are still bleeding though, Devon.
cybunnieswithbraces (Jun 3, 2006)
I appreciate the comments, but I like it as is.
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