uh-oh, caught again, http://www.movieweb.com/movies/film/80/80/gal67/16.php , ref used, just wanted to do someone/something funny-looking, i googled his glasses a bit because i wanted to..I'll take a look Zack, 1, 2, 3....74541, 74542 drawings found? Hmm, err, well, I didn't see it.
Oh, absolutely gut buster... this made me soo laugh, then I went back and looked, this is good Arin, you caught him perfectly. I love your loose style.
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 56 min
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
drawn in 53 min
PS: Great texture/style idea, and a very nice likeness.
Youre alright in my book.
Wierd..... now I see Ghandi... LOL
drawn in 36 min
drawn in 13 min