Ohhh I see, I think whats throwing me off is the top of the smoke, it looks a little solid, like a shoulder or jacket collar, sokay though it's a fantastic piece and I'm the only one who probably saw it. LOL I'm such a nitpicker bitch.
The eyebrows and eyelashes are amazing. And the hair, well all the hairy bits are amazing.
Wow Opium o.o Amazing portrait! The colouring is very good... the hair and eyebrows look realy nice, and the smoke is very eyecatching x)
Yay, me likes this!
This is from the Johnny Cash film right? I must see that movie. And fleeting there aren't enough versions of sexy for this man, so I'll just say Yummmmm.
thanks everyone! :D I don't know what film this is from, I think this might just be a promotional shot. Probably before Walk The Line, because he was a lot skinnier before that movie. They wanted him to gain a little chunk if I remember right, and well, he gains alot of weight in his face. I'll ask Megan though, she's the one that's obsessed with him so she'll know.
Thanks for all your guys' sweet sweet comments! i'm going to be smiling all day now :)
For some time I actually thought that his name was Walking Phoenix, like it was some suped up stage name or something. Felt stupid when I found out. ><
drawn in 1 hour 24 min
drawn in 1 hour 52 min
drawn in 5 min
The eyebrows and eyelashes are amazing. And the hair, well all the hairy bits are amazing.
drawn in 10 min
Yay, me likes this!
Thanks for all your guys' sweet sweet comments! i'm going to be smiling all day now :)
Noice pic
drawn in 49 sec