boardsintermediate2draw or not 2draw

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drawn in 1 hour 50 min with PaintBBS
kaT (Jun 18, 2003)
something happend, so i'll savenow and fix later

edit: ok, it's finished.
kaT (Jun 18, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
kaT (Jun 18, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Minitsaru (edited Jun 18, 2003)
hehehe, this is soooooo true, its either paper comp or my arm >.< =P
cool pic, i like how the lines on the outside are bolder than the ones inside, very cool! =) do you use a tablet?
silent_darkness (edited Jun 18, 2003)
lol i so did that in school... it made all my math and science classes fun XD

i envy your lineart....wish i could do stuff that good lol and i really like the coloring ^-^ good job!
pyrobarbie (edited Jun 19, 2003)
dude my teachers would yell at me for that "you'll get ink poisening" either i'm drawing on myself..or other ppl ^ ^
kaT (edited Jun 19, 2003)
Minitsaru: yes, I do use a tablet. I've had it for many years now, and I find that it's the only way I can draw on the computer.

Silent Darkness: my lineart is not as good as some might say, and the coloring style is a new one I just tried, and I'm probally gonna keep it.
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