WAIT... there was a CINDY in the GRINCH? OH MY GOD. I love Dr. Seuss more than ever. (and she's blonde and wearing pink pajamas... how could I not know this?)
edit: and I have to add, I have read all of the books and seen all of these over and over again, and you did them perfectly, the little impish expressions, but I wonder how I could have missed Grinch and Cindy?
hehe im giggling like a little girl...this brings back good memories...of that one time when my uncle tried to steal christmas but then he tried to save it later :)
Well, no, I'm Cindindyhopper, actually, for real, but I think the names were changed for the protection of the ... "innocent"? I still can't believe I didn't know this. Grinch is my hero... and ... well, I'm speechless about the whole thing, and that I could be so ignorant and not know, or remember this.
drawn in 8 min
drawn in 1 hour 4 min
Really nice drawing, it looks just like the original x)
edit: and I have to add, I have read all of the books and seen all of these over and over again, and you did them perfectly, the little impish expressions, but I wonder how I could have missed Grinch and Cindy?
of course i dont mind, cindy :)