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drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Alex-Cooper (Oct 7, 2005)
News Flash!
Alex-Cooper (Oct 7, 2005)
drawn in 55 min
Kloxboy (Oct 7, 2005)
I agree and I don't like the name of the artist either. Pretty lame. You on the other hand rock.
featherstone (Oct 7, 2005)
I've got to agree... but then.. if you're only looking at the intermediate board... we've got problems ;)
Kloxboy (Oct 7, 2005)
No way Lori, I'm talking about the general browse view, that person needs a talking to, what a crude name. Your Neil pick is swell. :)
featherstone (Oct 7, 2005)
ok whew, good :) ya "mon"... I'm with you on that. A-C... your art is so cool, I'm ashamed I haven't told you that already
davincipoppalag (Oct 7, 2005)
It needed doin' Alex..great job
Alex-Cooper (Oct 9, 2005)
drawn in 16 min
I'd like to point out that my message of you're "picture sucks" is not directed towards any artist on this site in particular. It's more a generalization of all the overall artwork I see on 2draw. Seriously, you lazy, boring, unimaginative fuckers. How many drawings do you guys have to do from photo reference before you start making your own compositions and coming up with your own ideas?
kejoco (edited Oct 9, 2005)
I have to take a little offence to the photo reference comment.
I admit, I wish I could constantly come up with brillant ideas for new drawings, but for some reason when I try to draw anything thats in my own head, I can't seem to find the right lines, colours whatever.
Its a constant source of frustration actually, but I do have about a million doodles/drawings whatever to show I constantly try.
I just don't choose to put much of my "original" art up here.

I also don't think there is any reason to belittle referenced art, I know Its been debated a few times on here already, but some of the greatest art in the world, done by the masters, has been done from reference, mostly from real life reference. But is there any difference between photo and real life reference, besides the fact that its much cheaper and easier to keep a photo reference.
Anyway, I think its amazing that people come up with drawings that they do with no reference, like yourself, I think its phenomenal. It amazes me to see people doing incredible drawings/ideas with no reference, but its just doesn't work for everyone..

Ps sorry for the rambling rant...i'm still drunk
laurael (edited Oct 9, 2005)
How many times do you assholes have to keep putting down how and what someone else does?? You draw what YOU want, we'll draw what WE want. SHEESH.
Gigandas (edited Oct 9, 2005)
Is that a diss to art schools and classes that teach you that in order to perfect your 'ideas' and execution, you must first get down the referenced basics? I definitely don't see anything wrong with referenced pictures. Refereces actually help add to your skills so that when you do try attempting things from your imagination, they'll turn out better. Maybe some of us don't wanna jump into "searching for a style" like you might. It's probably to our benefit anyway to be patient and try different references to explore and seek out what we like drawing and concentrate on those regions (and picking up 'little' things like oh, hmm....anatomy and stuff along the way).

-kejoco also made a good point that certain famous paintings are actually referenced (even fantasy drawings).

kejoco: The difference between real life references and photo is pretty big if you've tried both. Real life references are probably 10x harder to draw than a photo. Not to mention that your angle in which you were looking at whatever you were drawing may change and you have to compensate for that.
staci (edited Oct 9, 2005)
lolz.. are amazing. your art wow's me. i envy your imagination AND your excecution. like you care, im sure.

Alex-Cooper (Oct 9, 2005)
I think working from a photo reference can be an excellent way for beginners to learn the basics to drawing. Only thing is, a shitload of you have shown pretty clearly that you're not just a bunch of armature kids who don't know shit about drawing. My objection to all the referenced work is when working from a ref you don't really get to decide how the composition of the picture or what the idea of it will be. It's already been done by another artist. I'd much rather see the kind of work your head can make up on it's own than see how well you can duplicate a picture.
Kojeco: Post your original work even if you don't like it. Maybe someone could give you a suggestion as to how to make it better. And maybe you could learn from that.
Laurael: Take a chill-pill.
Gigandas: Maybe I’m just being impatient of waiting for you people to start showing off your imaginations. Everyone's got ideas of their own. Why not show them?
Icats: 'Course I care.
laurael (edited Oct 9, 2005)
*Ahem* After 'you'...Alex.
I usually get like that when someone calls others 'fuckers' and it's totally uncalled for.
Gigandas (Oct 9, 2005)
Wtf?? Who the hell are you to tell everyone what to draw? Are you suggesting we turn this into a site for 'your' specific pleasure? And if references are for kids, then I guess we art majors don't need any life drawing courses or any of that crap cause it's not gonna help us even though our art counselors suggest we take it every year even.
Alex-Cooper (edited Oct 9, 2005)
laurael: I'm just naturally crass. That's common dialect where me and my peeps be from. Don't be hatin' on my lingo.
Gigandas: I'm not telling anyone to do anything. Also I meant photo references, not life references.
laurael (Oct 9, 2005)
Ahh, well then...have a nice evening.
Menyway (Oct 9, 2005)
No matter where you are in your work if you want to get better or try something new, you go by references, what you see around you, a picture, a quality someone has in their drawing, etc.. Everything you draw or come up with is from a reference, either from a memory from way back when you needed them as a beginner that you remember now or something that you saw that day that interested you and made your imagination come to life.. but it is still a reference. You use them when you don’t even know that you do. So how can it be wrong or inferior to use them, photo or life, when all it does is teach you to become better at every stage of art that you get to??
Gigandas (edited Oct 9, 2005)
Hmm, well photo refs are easier to get than someone to sit for you for how many hours you may need them for. We may also not have all the subjects we'd like to draw either, but that doesn't mean we're going out to buy something expensive like a guitar just so we can draw it. Anyway, I had my say in this and I'm done now.

-Menyway also makes a good point.
featherstone (edited Oct 9, 2005)
geezuz... "lazy unimaginative fuckers"... that stings
lycene (Oct 9, 2005)
I copy from photos so I can memorize how things work. Maybe I'm a lazy, unimaginative fucker, but I'm trying to improve, and I cannot do that if I don't have a solid basis in reality to work off of. I am not confident enough with what I draw without references to do it every time. Added to that, I also don't try for photo-realism; I try to look at specific colors/shades/whatever, and highlight them. I'm not trying to offend anybody with what I draw, please do forgive me if I'm not so infalliable that I can create perfection every time.
And Gigandas is right. Photo references are cheap (free, even), and no model is going to sit for a sixteen year old girl, for free.
If you don't like it, deal.
Caddris (Oct 9, 2005)
Heh. Wow, I've never seen one person make so many enemies at one time . . . except maybe Bush, but that's neither here nor there.
It's still a great picture, Alex, a bit offensive, sure, but a great picture nonetheless. I'm personally not that upset about it. It's you're opinion and you have the right to express it in any way you see fit. I know that references are indeed very helpful. When I use photo references I usually need it to get body positions and proportions correct, everything else (i.e. the actual person, clothing, background) are all my own. I've never actually had any formal art training so I will somtimes use other pictures as a guide for composition and color.
Though you didn't mean it as a personal attack (well maybe you did), but when you attack a whole group it's hard for the individuals in said group to not take the attack as a personal wrong.
But yeah, great picture. I still find it pretty funny.
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
Photos are references from life.. is something more real because it moves? Its a moment frozen. I need the refs for the same reason Kejo does..I can't remember the nuances of lines and light and all that without the ref. I ref photos but they are never exact.. I change a lot of things in them. I like your crazy inventive stuff, but not all of us can do that kind of thing. It's like telling a piano player you're bored with him because he can't play drums. It's all good.. it's just different.
Zack (Oct 9, 2005)
A mental catalogue of images and techniques is useful, but there comes a point when you know enough of the dictionary to start creating your own sentences rather than just translate ones already written. And actually, what AC said is more like telling someone you're bored with them always playing someone else's songs and asking them to write their own.

Rock on Alex, you obnoxious bastard. Those halftones are keen.
laurael (Oct 9, 2005)
Yes, that may be so Zack, but don't you people think that if everyone could draw from their imagination, they would? I've already said long ago that I wish I could...but I'm not good at that and I don't have my own style...I'm not here to kid myself...I know that. I've trashed so many of my own lousy pics it isn't funny. Alex, crimson king, Zep, name some out of so many, are the ones talented like that. Hell, even lori has her own cartoon style. we all don't make you go 'boy-howdy'! Just enjoy the ones who do.
featherstone (edited Oct 9, 2005)
damn straight... original style is a great thing, and I'm sure everyone here can come up with their own, whether or not it's as good as their referenced work... but, I have a problem with insulting people, good artists at that, for not always drawing straight outta their minds.
Kloxboy (Oct 9, 2005)
I agree with myself on this one. Which leans more towards AC philosphy.
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
To each his own.
Kloxboy (Oct 9, 2005)
I think we should just have a group hug and dance.
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
...I agree...but do we have to invent our own dance or can we do one someone else made up and not be put down for it.
Kloxboy (Oct 9, 2005)
Do what you wish...just don't hurt anyone in the process.
featherstone (Oct 9, 2005)
oh enough... *gags on finger*
Menyway (Oct 9, 2005)
LOL Good one poppa
laurael (edited Oct 9, 2005)
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
Can't promise.. I'm pretty clumsy..
Menyway (Oct 9, 2005)
I'd have to admit all of this is pretty hilarious though!! ^_^
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2005)
Let's all go find us some already been chewed bubble gum and trade em around..
Gigandas (Oct 9, 2005)
lol davinci, that reminds me of that one little girl at the restaurant pulling the chewed bubble gum from under the table and thinking she was rich because there were so many flavors at her disposal :P.
Zack (Oct 9, 2005)
... but don't you people think that if everyone could draw from their imagination, they would?
The ability to transcribe an image from imagination is a skill that takes practice. It's not a "you got it or you don't" thing.

Refenced pictures are easy to net comments with. It's harder to force yourself to practice the kind of drawing that is less easily appreciated, so many people don't.

Alex, crimson king, Zep, name some out of so many, are the ones talented like that.
Should only talent be credited, and not the years of practice drawing from their imagination?

... for not always drawing straight outta their minds.
Even Alex has used a reference or two. He's not talking about people who occasionally use references, he's talking about people that hardly draw anything except references. You're exaggerating the side you disagree with.
davincipoppalag (edited Oct 9, 2005)
There's so much hot air in here I'm sweatin... Did Dionne Warwick need to write the songs Burt Bacharach wrote for her to be artistic? Did he need to sing them? Does Perlman have to write violin music to create? Did Van Cliburn? There's no winning a discussion of this type..some of you who can create original pictures from your head will never think those who draw from references are doing anything but copying,,and we who do that will never think we aren't interpreting our subjects in our own way.. Practice all you want, some will never create from their head. Neither is right or wrong.. just different. No amount of pontificating will make your statements fact. If you don't like the pictures drawn from references don't look at them.. there are plenty from several sources who draw as you say we all should . It's ok if we want to be boring, lazy and unambitious. We like it. You don't. People are different and won't be converted by discussions like this. No matter how clever you can be with rebuttals.
laurael (Oct 9, 2005)
Lord knows that I don't get that many comments and I don't care about that. Of course years of practice should be credited, there's plenty of people who have that. I do believe I've stated that I trashed so many of mine...that were 'practice'...I'm not happy with a lot of my own stuff yet, so I'm not showing it. My choice. I still stick by what I said and the reason I used the artist choices that I did was because their 'styles' are more unique than just using references. That's what I wish 'I' could do.
Gigandas (Oct 9, 2005)
"Even Alex has used a reference or two. He's not talking about people who occasionally use references, he's talking about people that hardly draw anything except references. You're exaggerating the side you disagree with."

Like davinci said, why the hell does it matter what we draw??? I think certain mods are contradicting this whole "you draw for fun on 2draw" thing with crap like this. You draw what you want, we draw what we want. If you wanna advise us, go the fuck for it. Don't be stating it like it's wrong to be drawing nothing but referenced pictures. On another note, do you even know how many of us might actually be drawing 'imaginative/creative' pics outside of 2draw? Do you really? I think most of us know what's good for us without your help. We aren't weaklings who need to be advised at all times to know how to get ahead of the program. Most of the time if that were the case, I'd specifically ask for help, not wait to get it. I'm sick of all these put downs for what we enjoy doing. I'm sure the art majors around here (assuming they have determination) are doing what they need to get better without your help, thanks.
Zack (Oct 10, 2005)
"Lord knows that I don't get that many comments and I don't care about that." - Laurael
You get more comments than Zep. Zep's highest number of comments on a picture is 22, yours is 32. You get plenty of comments.

"I'm sure the art majors around here (assuming they have determination) are doing what they need to get better without your help, thanks." -Gig
I'm getting really tired of you throwing around your Art Major status, dude. I'm an art major myself. It's not that big a deal that you have to bring it up every art-related argument you get in.

"I think certain mods are contradicting this whole "you draw for fun on 2draw" thing with crap like this." - Gig
Just as I'm free to ignore any pictures or styles I don't like, you're free to ignore any comments you don't like.
laurael (edited Oct 12, 2005)
How old was that one?
edit: Half of those comments were my own, fyi. Maybe I should have put the comment remark another way...I used to care, I still do in a way, but I've learned not to count on it.
It's nice to come here for Lascaux...which is, in my opinion, better than the version of photoshop that I have.
Zep is SO underappreciated here...really. His stuff is just so totally awesome.
Alex-Cooper (Oct 10, 2005)
Allow me to repeat myself. I am not TELLING anyone to do anything. Despite what the ladies might say, I ain't no god. What I say isn't law. And don't act like I’m some asshole moderator deleting your pictures because they aren't extensions of the artist's own unique mind. In the end, you can draw and do whatever the fuck you want. I'm only trying to point out what should be obvious. Most of you are capable of more. If you're still confused as to what I meant, just read Zack's first comment. It pretty much sums up my meaning in a much more eloquent way. I have plenty more to say, but do you really want me to address each of your arguments? This could take all night.
laurael (Oct 10, 2005)
No, please...don't waste your night...really....this could take all year. It's pretty much been said and we all understand each other now...yes? Good. Draw some of your awesome stuff now.
hideyourface (Oct 10, 2005)
what you initially said gave an impression that only using refs is bad/wrong to do. Even if you didn't mean that, just the way you said it will make people think differently. But really.. bringing up a topic like this where you're putting down people who only use refs, it's obviously going to start arguments, and I dont see why you did it anyway, expecting people to understand your reasoning immediately.
Gigandas (Oct 10, 2005)
That's the true mystery here. Why did he make such a vague comment and not take any responsibility for what he said? You can always apologize and explain what you meant by it rather than let it blow up into a full out debate...
Caddris (Oct 10, 2005)
Or we could all just step back and calm down. ^_________^;
This constant arguing is really kind of sad. It's too painful to watch a community being pulled apart like this. We are all artists, that is the one thing we all have in common. Let's focus on why we're all here, shall we?
staci (Oct 10, 2005)
actually..its interesting and sometimes (mostly) humorous. speaking for myself, i plan on trying a little harder NOT to rely on references so much. although going cold-turkey is out of the question. i could kid myself and say that i dont care what other people think, i only draw for myself, but imo thats a bunch of bullshit. use photoshop if you dont care so much. so point is..arguements on 2draw are funny, and sometimes you learn from them. unless your name is gigandas. HAHAHAHAH. :)
featherstone (edited Oct 10, 2005)
Staci, you have an awesome style of your own. Remember those funny people you were drawing for a while? ... those blew my doors off.
Zack : I'm not exaggerating any side... I'm not on a "side". I was never one who enjoyed debating anyway. I find debating extremely annoying. It's just the insult that bothered me. It's one thing to simply say, "I wish there was more creative work on this site".... but another to use one's "crass lingo" to accentuate the point.
Axil62 (Oct 10, 2005)
Alex, I use refs quite often, sometimes they are as close to the ref as I can get them because I feel like it, sometimes I use a ref rather loosley in order to compose something entirley unrelated. I don't give a shit what you're tired of. Who the fuck do you think you are? You're drawings aren't exactly amazing dude. Who pumped smoke up your ass and made you feel like you needed to stand up on a soapbox and preach about originality and creativeness? Look through my gallery and tell me which ones I did and did not use a ref on, which ones are straight copies of a photo and which where compiled fromvarious sources to include my imagination. Drawing a bunch fucking cartoons from imagination doesnt exactly qualify you to take the high and mighty position you seem to assume you need or have earned the right to take.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 10, 2005)
Seems to me that a few "artists" here could use a little "painting by reference" practice, so that when they do attempt to depict something it might actually be a discernable subject. I have often wondered... if Van Gogh had had easy access to a camera, would he have spent tiring hours in the fields painting his subjects... to view his "references"?... Would Monet have spent all that time in the hayfields.... he obviously used the haystacks as references, not just once, but at different times of day to view the light and shadow. Art from the imagination can be the most wonderful expression... but only if you are skillful at it. I have also noticed that the artists who "get down" on those of us who work from references are those that cannot use a reference and depict it almost exactly as it is, such as in photo-realism art.
Zack (Oct 10, 2005)
Lori: Sorry, I shouldn't have pigeonholed you like that. But my point was that Alex didn't insult people for "not always drawing straight outta their minds," as you say. He insulted people who rarely or never draw from their minds. It's an exaggeration of his position to say that he's against ever using references at all.

DBA: Who are the "artists" you are referring to? Which artists who "get down" on references cannot use a reference well?

If Van Gogh had easy access to a camera, that still would be very different from finding pictures someone else took by searching on Google and trying to reproduce them exactly as they were found. That's what I consider tiresome. Some people who draw from references do more than just reproduce them, and I don't mind that. If you took the picture yourself or used the reference loosely or just used a part of it, I don't mind that either. But I don't think there's any creativity involved in trying to accurately reproduce a picture you didn't take, beyond your choice of search word for Google.

Take Kasha, for example. Her style depends pretty strongly upon using references, but she uses the references as base that she builds on with her use of color and bold lines. Because of that, her artwork stirs the emotions and mind a lot more than the original references did. I like her work tons more than a lot of the unreferenced work here.

References can be used in very creative ways, absolutely. But reproductions of photos from random online sources are, well, boring. That's my opinion.
Gigandas (edited Oct 10, 2005)
I think this is a new record, 3rd day of debating...yep.

"It's one thing to simply say, "I wish there was more creative work on this site".... but another to use one's "crass lingo" to accentuate the point."-Lori

That's a good point Lori made there (one I tried making myself, but didn't come across as clearly).

-Forgot to mention it's importance to this: If he actually had said that he'd like to see more creative work around here, I'm sure it wouldn't have bothered reference users for the most part. Things went out of hand by calling us "mother fuckers" (that crosses the line of provoking someone). Just cause it's a 'lingo,' doesn't mean that we're supposed to know that right off the top of our heads. Don't get upset with us for having to clean up your mess is what I'm saying.
Zack (Oct 10, 2005)
It's still interesting to me. It's an issue I feel strongly about, but I've had to reconsider my position some to allow for the creative use of references. I hadn't thought of that before, so I think this has helped me refine my opinion some.
Gigandas (edited Oct 10, 2005)
Sure, I can go along with creative uses of refs, but there's nothing wrong with landscape/human portraits either. Let's not forget that art is a very broad field. Not every field will use as much creativity as another. And sure you don't have to appreciate it yourself, but landscape/human portrait artists will still be artists whether people like it or not. It's just a matter of tastes really.
Zack (Oct 10, 2005)
I don't remember saying I didn't like portrait or landscape artists.
Gigandas (edited Oct 10, 2005)
I'm sorry. That was a generalized statement; not directed all at you.
method3 (Oct 10, 2005)
Hey, guess what? People here would probably never actually think about the reason why they do things the way they do. Debates like this are exactly what makes 2draw so interesting. When people get on the defensive, they actually have to put into words what they believe, and that means refining and stating your side clearly enough so the other side can understand from their viewpoint. I prefer debates where someone actually learns something rather than those god damned threads that have no start point and no end point either. I think everyone who posted their thoughts had something good to say, and I hope people got something out of it. Seriously, I think the picture is awesome too. =P

2draw will never be against a certain style, ever. The community may or may not support a common style in terms of comments, but the mods will never delete a style just because they don't like it. So hey, do your own thing... as long as it's within the rules. Nothing should stop you from doing that, and if you let a debate like this affect what you do, I hope it's for the better after it has made you think.

That being said, I think the problem with drawing from photography in general is that once you're referencing it your view (even if you're not taking the entire composition) will be limited in scope for some aspect. How limited you are depends obviously on skill, talent and imagination. Some are better at turning a photograph which is literally still, and turning it into something really dynamic that the viewer can tell is really creative.

On the other side there are people who use photo refs that simply copy because it's a nice picture. The thing about this is that usually (to other artists) one can tell that maybe there probably wasn't much thought put into really "creating" something on the page. I'm of the opinion that hey, if it's just some picture that you're going to copy, why not just put on the community/post forum "Hey look at this picture I found!" Well, hopefully it really is a great picture, because as artists you really don't want people thinking "meh, that's just a copy of some photo." When you think about it in those terms, wouldn't you rather always be doing stuff that makes your audience say "Wow, really creative!"?

I'm not saying one was is right or wrong, just think to yourself how you want your art to affect others, hopefully this can give you motivation to get out there and be as creative as you can possibly be. I mean, in my opinion art is important, and I hope 2draw can make some art that matters.
Alex-Cooper (Oct 10, 2005)
Perfect. Thank you method3. I think that's an excellent closing statement for this debate.
marcello (Oct 10, 2005)
love the link.
Caddris (Oct 11, 2005)
I'm sorry. That was a generalized statement; not directed all at you.
Isn't that how all this got started in the first place?
ambermac (Oct 20, 2005)
nice rant. i agree. copying is a fine exercise as long as you credit the original photo. using your own voice is always a greater risk--which is why it's much more fun on all sides. in the fine art world, artists who do this sort of thing always add an indicator in the title. they'll say, "after ____insert artist's name". what gets me are those "pros" in galleries who blatantly lift another artist's style and call it their own.
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