boardsbeginnerStrawtinkle from my comic
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 2 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
I just relised!! the elbow is too far down!! ¬¬' stupid nothingness harlie!! goddamit........¬¬'
stupid 200kb limit -mutters underbreath-
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 2 min
BSOD (Aug 9, 2005)
she looks good :DDD I wish I could make a comic D: With out adding 2-D in it lol
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
drawn in 14 min
Shall I erase the outline or not?
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
drawn in 14 min
I'll draw the rest later, gonna get a shower
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
drawn in 19 min
Nearly finished
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
drawn in 15 min
Hmmmm.....the colouring is sloppy but oh well ^^ I tried my best
darkshadow (Aug 9, 2005)
go minty_hippo nice pic like the back ground
Minty_hippo (Aug 9, 2005)
thank you darkshadow!
Xodiak (Aug 14, 2005)
Your comic is very sexy, Xod likes her body. >:)
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