Knockoff (Jul 23, 2005)
Well, first, I'm proud of this one. It combines several of my styles into one.Secondly, enough with the shitty comments. If you comment, comment on the picture, please.
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drawn in 2 hours 50 min
drawn in 1 hour 39 min
drawn in 20 min
drawn in 1 hour 37 min
drawn in 1 min
As for the administration, I say you give them a little push or something to get off their asses :D
Apply for moderator. I would vote for you.
Here's a haiku, if you're feeling down.
Another Knockoff
Yet his art is so vivid
His username lies
Cheers, buddy. See you around.
As far as 2draw slipping downhill I think that as you complain about all the 'new' people who just post little anime pictures you should look back in your library and the library of the people that HAVE been here a long time and are great artists now and see that a lot of people started out with not-so-intricate and great drawings. Some people however like Icats, Gigandas, Zep, Zack, DBA-the list goes on so please dont feel left out if I havent mentioned you, have pretty much taken the cake from the beginning. I makes no pretences to be up among these artists, infact the beginning of my library sucks too, and I am sorry that you have lost your enthusiasm for this place but I believe that these people who are posting not-so-great anime have the right to learn and grow as you say that you did so long as the do follow the rules set here for them, such as the one on how much time should be spent on a picture for certain boards.
Also, the insult at the end about ten year old brains was unnecessary. Please realize that when you write something like that everyone reads it-not just the people you want to.
Oh and goodbye, I hope you have fun! I think the drawings and artists here are nice though, I cannot see any problem at all.
And this..
"Oh well, this is to long for you small brained 10 year olds to read. Thanks if you gave a damn. "
Why do you think theres a beginner board? You're a reeeal ignorant idiot if you ask me.
This is a lot different than this, but they're both me, and I never forget that I was a noob once too.
Great drawing though, I'm very impressed with the nose, and her expression as a whole. I like the necklace around her neck, and the way her hair morphs and joins with the style of the background. Great pic!
It's a shame if you leave and I hope that you would come back again. Maybe you just need a break. And who knows, this is site might be even better when you see it after a month.
drawn in 3 min
dirty ko..
As far as leaving goes, I looked over your gallery, and frankly get over yourself. You started out pretty crappy yourself. Everyone has to start somewhere. Not to say there isn't some spamming going on but come on, is that a reason to leave in a big huff?
Posts like this are only for people who crave attention anyway. "Please tell me how wonderful I am and beg me not to leave!"
Also all thats left is not crap. I may not be wonderful and amazing, definately not up to advanced yet, but my art is NOT crap.
I won't beg you to stay. Just don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
P3ndragon- Thank you, really. I honeslty don't want to be a moderator. I think the moderators are doing their jobs alright, but they do let things slip. The recomended time on the beginner board is a half hour. More likely will you see 5 pictures that took less the a half hour before you find one that will. The poem is great, aswell. :)
FL- Yes, you are right, everyone needs a place to start out, but as you look at the first pages of my gallery, you can already see growth. I just didn't do one style, infact I was already trying to draw realistic, and many other styles. PLUS, I hadn't posted in the intermediate board for atleast a month or so. I stook to the rules at the time. The insult wasn't to be taken serious, becuase we all know it's against the rules for anyone that young to join 2draw.
Zep- I'm not a moderator in the first place. And yes, even though moderators don't seem to have a high postition, they do. Compared to the 11,000 people that have joined 2draw, only 10 of them are sent to be a mod. That's less than .01% of the comunity. That is how they are higher up. Yes, most communities do have high and low points in it's life time. It's just, it seems it's been stuck for a long time in a low point.
Also, most new people don't take advise. I'm not sure, but they seem to be disrespectful by not listening to your advise and doing something wrong over and over again. Some new person had spammed a few images and all I did was give some nice friendly critique out and they seemed annoyed at me and were very rude and unjustly accused me of being rude and how they don't need my help, there drawings were already good enough.
Kasha- Exactly. It seems like all the good, friendly people have passed on. I can remember when talented people flurish 2draw. not anymore, though. But you see, the rules and regulations have changed over time. You have to see, 2draw is not the lower level oekaki place it used to be. If you want to draw little short pictures then head over to somehwere where they will except it.
Zach, thanks. :) It's not all me though, i'm sure.
CLV- It seems that no one sifts through anymore. I had a drawing a few months ago on the itermediate board that was good get pushed over so fast I got one comment on it. Now, i'm not complaining, i'm telling you that most people don't want to look through 5 pages of work to see a good peice.
Nekodesu- Yes, there are good drawings still coming into 2draw, but it seems like they are getting ruined by the less talented and ignorant people.
Kraisa- Really, if I wanted attention, i'd go ask it like the n00bs do on the forum boards. This is just express how I feel about 2draw. Honestly, why people are getting mad is stupid because i've seen atleast 5 others people voice there opinions on what they thing about 2draw right now. Grow up.
"Honestly, why people are getting mad is stupid because i've seen atleast 5 others people voice there opinions "
I find the fact that people are getting mad that newcomers aren't doing exactly as they're supposed to is stupid. not everyone in the world is just like you.
"You have to see, 2draw is not the lower level oekaki place it used to be. If you want to draw little short pictures then head over to somehwere where they will except it."
It doesn't say anything about having to be talented at drawing to draw here in the rules. And even if you believe we should know this by now because of how 2draw has evolved, newcomers dont know that.
"The recomended time on the beginner board is a half hour."
That's for intermediate. I've never seen a recommended time for beginner.
Yes, well, read the what you said "newcomers don't know that". A while ago the mods inflicted that you should spend atleast a half hour on a beginner drawing.
Kraisa, believe what you want. I hate it when people think they know everything and they are wrong. You're complaining that i'm seeking attention [which is far wrong] and yet you give me attention? You obviously make no sense. If you think I'm asking for attention then why bother giving me more by commenting twice? Please, make some sense of yourself.
And mods inflicted that a while ago? Newcomers dont know that now. I already made that point. And I never knew you had to spend half an hour there, and Im not a newcomer anymore.
"You're complaining that i'm seeking attention [which is far wrong] and yet you give me attention? You obviously make no sense."
how does that not make sense.. She never said she didn't want to give you attention.
If you have never drawn on 2draw before, it is highly recommended you start here. However, only submit something because you put some effort into it, and remember that you don't have to submit it just because you drew it.
I doubt you even see the reasons that have been repeated over and over again by the mods and users alike.
Nightmare, no I haven't, do I need to? This thread thing is about what knockoff is saying, and not them.
KO, if you're leaving, I'll miss you, dude. Godspeed. I have watched you grow from a pretty good artist with a definitive style to something really fantastic. If I weren't so lazy I'd have grown along with you. Either way, it's been cool as hell and that's one of my favorite things about 2draw. I'll hate to lose you. But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Knockoff, be it on 2draw or on the news. Just don't kill anybody. Remain cool.
Oh and yeah, comments on the picture: Um................... ooooh I like how it looks realistic in one area and non-realistic on another. The background is neat because it's all cool colors and stuff and it makes a pizzazzy background. lol (sorry I'm really bad with descriptions) And the face is great! I really like how realistic the lips are. Did you use a reference? If not, well, awesome! You're doing a much better job than me since I always need a reference. If yes, well, great! That's just another plus! Keep doin' what you want to be doin'.
The background is different from the rest of the picture and that makes it cool XD
Now on to the more important thing, KO this is an amazing drawing! When I first saw it and that you drew it, I was soooo proud at how your skills have grown. Her nose, lips, chin, and cheeks are excellent! I like the extra bit of pink/purplish color you have added there. And the teeth add nice detail to her expression (which I also love). The outline of the eyes is not just right, and her eyebrows don’t quite fit the rest of the face. I also think that more emphasis would have been put on her expression and face if you made all of her hair black (or leave only a very few highlights) and remove the partial ear. Make the viewer wonder what is this girl looking at that is causing her to have this facial expression.
I am glad you incorporated your different style in the background. This will be one of those drawings that I think about and have to go back to look at it again. Thanks Knockoff :D