boardsintermediateTo: Doodlibop From: Toad (aka raenboe)
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drawn in 47 min with PaintBBS
raenboe (May 5, 2003)
This ish 4 Doodlibop b/cuz she is so awesome that she needs to be rewarded (I think) for her amazing efforts! Enjoy! C&C Appreciated! I know the lineart is sloppy, but oh well.
raenboe (May 5, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Xodiak (edited May 5, 2003)
she looks super pretty with her big head! >:D
hiroki (edited May 5, 2003)
ahh, i see you may be a kim possible fan, funny show, good drawing.
Doodlibop (edited May 6, 2003)
*huggles* Thankyou, so much. What an absolutely beautiful pic of Kim Possible. I think she rules! *Gives artist another really big hug* Thankyou!
raenboe (edited May 6, 2003)
Your welcome! Actually, I'm not a fan of the show. I just like to draw her kinda.
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 19, 2003)
Oy...Kim annoying...yet how intriguing(sp)
raenboe (edited Jun 9, 2003)
I know...I know
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