It's NOT about winning, man. It's about the passion of the game, man! Man, why you gotta’ rain on our parade?! Man, oh man. Damn man, Just damn. Manmanman. man.
Edit: damn, man. Yeah. I just realized it. Damn, man. Good thing with my trusty egg beater by my side I don't really mind, man.
Thanks Kasha. That was way more fun than it should have been. I can't seem to wipe this stupid grin off my face, even though you totally kicked my ass.
drawn in 44 sec
Oh god, please me! I'm too confused to miss a chance to get p0wned at connect the four cross, or whatever the hell this game is called.
drawn in 1 min
drawn in 47 sec
drawn in 10 min
Edit: damn, man. Yeah. I just realized it. Damn, man. Good thing with my trusty egg beater by my side I don't really mind, man.
drawn in 3 min
drawn in 8 min
drawn in 6 min
Ahaha, I'm not funny.
The nipples keep making me laugh.