watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
Knockoff (Apr 10, 2003)
Once again im not done, I will finish later after i wash my dad truck -_- and after a little B-Ball.

lleditll Bahh, Couldnt think of a good bg.
Knockoff (Apr 10, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 10, 2003)
you gonna add a bg?
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 10, 2003)
I like the colours and the blur thing. Very nifty.
Knockoff (edited Apr 10, 2003)
Yes I will.
Knockoff (Apr 10, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 10, 2003)'s cute!
darkk_angel (edited Apr 11, 2003)
pretty flower!! hehe.... i like the bluring you did... nice touch...
Azelrellon (edited Apr 11, 2003)
Pretty! Seeds look yummy. ^_^
Knockoff (edited Apr 13, 2003)
Thanks * Gives Azel Some seeds*=)
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