DivineStar (Dec 27, 2004)
The first collab I start, I just want to try this thing out. So....if you would like to colour it, feel free too! Just make sure you do the guys some justice....at least XD
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drawn in 36 min
drawn in 25 min
go ahead and fix any sux0rzness you find ^__^;;;;
drawn in 58 min
And DANG! Kadaj's not wearing anything!? O____O;;;
Kadaj: *smacks* Sleeveless shirt!!! >X(
Eheheh...well it's easy to imagine....^____^;;;
And the yellowness!!! O___O;;; Hmm...I'll try fix that...if it still allows me...¬____¬;;;
drawn in 8 min
Sorry ~__~;; I didn't color good enough for your purdyful lineart X__X
Edit: oh hey, by the way...D'ya think I could put this on my DA site as a collab? o-o;; even though I did practically nothing?
And the best...
You make Kadaj-chan nekkid...>X3
Whatever~! XD So yush, you can post it in DA as collab. I was gonna ask you the same thing...fufufu...>;3
-steals- x3
Teh lineart and colourful is done so beautifully!!!