This is beautiful work Cindy. The details in that pen, the glass, the napkin, hell all of it. Wonderful..(PS when I dialed that number I got XOD's answering service!)
Wow. This came out awesome Cindy!!!!!!! I just came across something similiar in my truck a few days ago. Was at a party a bit back, that is the only place it could have come from, and instead of a phone # it had the E-mail. I can't even remember who it was I was talking to. SOOOOO BAD! <:{
:D I saw this in the thumbnailedy thing, and I new you drew it! AHAHA :D I WIN >_> alright.. yeah. Nice picture ^^ I really like the lips. The ink is really nice, too.
That's so purdiful Cindy. The mood created with the lighting and subject matter is really very nice. Pat yourself on the back doubley extra with this one :)
Yeah, I can see why this ended up in the showcase.Pretty damn obvious if y'ask me.Shoot, that work you did on the lip print, but even more impressive the perspective and realism in the glass is amazing.Hmm....I dunno what it is but something about the pen kinda bothers me though....something in my head keeps telling me it may need a darker shadow below it....I dunno.It's not that big of a deal though cause the overall composition still blows me away.
drawn in 1 hour 7 min
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 1 hour 12 min
drawn in 2 hours 21 min
The mind boggles..