boardsintermediateWinter Surprise

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drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (Mar 27, 2003)
ChinkyFlip (Mar 27, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
ky (edited Mar 27, 2003)
Now, she's cute. I love her red nose. I like red nose.... type... stuff.
Azelrellon (edited Mar 27, 2003)
Her eyes are pretty and shiny, her gloves are very nice, the fluffy thing around her neck (Could be a scarf or a coat, if the pic were a bit bigger, I would know. ^_^) is really... Fulffy and other nice things like that...
The hair with the white lines in some parts of it is really nice! I like that effect...
Minitsaru (edited Mar 28, 2003)
THATS SOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! erm ya like tha eyes tha face and everything! really gives the cold but warm witer feel!
darkk_angel (edited Mar 28, 2003)
HOW DO YOU DRAW HANDS!! YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GIVE ME A TUTORIAL OR SOMETHING OF THE SORT!!! AAARGH! anyhow, good pic, but her left eye (the one on the right side) should go a tad bit to the left, or her right should go a tad bit to the right, cause they are too far apart... damn, i am a pessimist!! this is a great piece and dont change it because of what i say!!
OtaruIkari (edited Mar 29, 2003)
Picture perfect ^_^
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 29, 2003)
Chinky rox! She's so awesome!!!!
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