well i'm gonna finish this later since its pretty late and i wasnt gettin n-e-happier with this pic.. i'm thinkin of takin akane out of this pic.. maybe i'll feel different tomorrow.. (it is 3:30 in the morning..lol) n-e-ways.. yeah.. here ya go for now
Just a note, if this is going to stay on intermediate, you probably need to clean up the lineart and make the coloring and shading a little neater; layers would help. I realize this is unfinished, but I'm just letting you know.
oh she knows...she does things a bit strange...first she does a sketch then the colors it a litle then she doed the dark clean line art then finished the color :)
gloryhog420 (edited Dec 16, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 43 min
unmmm, i'm not to happy with this pic.. but i'm just gonna say that its finished.. cause i wanna start a new one.. this shi-painter is a bit different from the one i've been using.. gonna have to get used to that.. oh and i did try to make the lines thicker.. and i dont really like using layers.. and the Background isnt that great either.. but like i said.. the shi-painter is a bit different..
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 1 hour 22 min
edit: this is my favorite anime besides Fruits basket!!!!!! XD
drawn in 1 hour 43 min