I like Alien Ant Farm's version of that song better than the original. Cause they make it rockier! *does the hand roch sign* It's all good. Great eye, too! Lurve it! ^__^
I hate that song, but hey, to each his own. Alien ant farm should have been hit by a smooth sledge hammer for redoing it. I like this picture though. I like the sneakiness of it and the surprise of it, O.K. and the smoothness of it, but I won't say that line again I swear! <:} Good one gig.
Ahh...shit, I forgot to finish this one ^^;...I still gotta add in a couple things cause it has this unfinished feeling to it right now.Dunno when it'll be though, thanks guys.
drawn in 1 hour 20 min
drawn in 51 min
DieChan-I like both Jackson's and AAF's versions.Jackson's for being the original, and AAF cause hey, I love rock :).
drawn in 52 min
drawn in 7 min
drawn in 2 hours 2 min
drawn in 26 min