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drawn in 4 min with OekakiBBS
SandyDexHamtaro (Mar 15, 2003)
O.K. So it may be sorta wierd, but hey, it's my first drawing. I think it's sorta cool.
SandyDexHamtaro (Mar 15, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Tesia-chan (edited Mar 15, 2003)
Wooo. Preety. My first drawing is a few up from this one! XD
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 15, 2003)
Very nice use of colors :) Welcome to 2Draw!!!
Jenni_jelly_beanz (edited Mar 15, 2003)
I think it's kewl too! ^^ I love the colours! :D
Knockoff (edited Mar 16, 2003)
Yea this is cool. Welcome to 2draw.
MysticDragon12 (edited Mar 21, 2003)
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Mar 31, 2003)
You guys are so supportive, though I'm not an expert *runs away*
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