my dad had to use the net and fucked everything up.... now im pissed >;| *twitch*
EDIT: SON OF A!!!!!!!!! dsgjkljejewohjwljehojlk!!!! it deleted ~_______~ that bastard... god...
ahh safty save, im so sad now that I have to restart this T^T' Oh I won't worry about it, i'll just redo it, now I know what im gonna do now so yea.. but im still kinda pe'od about it deleting `-_-
=O...... Its... so... intricate... would did you do all those circle and the bits in between and put that there and this in that and that in here... *pulls out hair and runs out of the building laughing histerically*
This is one of the most stylish and nicest drawings I have seen! I love it! Fantastic design and the sky is awesome! Really nice! You have such a vivid imagination on stylistic design! <:D
Oh, I was a little surprised, but I can see your point and I can see that it does have its very good points, and it is definately not what we see everyday :)
I've never seen this before and I can't believe I missed after being gone for nearly 3 yrs. I love the way way those shapes work nicely into the background.
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 26 min
EDIT: SON OF A!!!!!!!!! dsgjkljejewohjwljehojlk!!!! it deleted ~_______~ that bastard... god...
drawn in 11 min
drawn in 24 min
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 19 min
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 14 min
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 1 hour 14 min