boardsbeginnerReally wide face...
watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 25 min with OekakiBBS
Ari (Mar 8, 2003)
Ari is letting me use her account ( thank you Ari!). The person in the pitures face is half hidden and far too wide.
Ari (Mar 8, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
bod1ggity (edited Mar 12, 2003)
Azelrellon (edited Mar 8, 2003)
YOU'RE the one wasting everyone's time, bod1ggity!
The face looks pretty realistic, especially if it were colored and shaded nicely...
Ari (edited Mar 9, 2003)
bod1ggity, BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE!!! *mutters banishing spell* BWAHAHAHA!!!
Oh, btw, this was graywolf's picture and she was using a mouse so she doesn't like it.
graywolf (edited Mar 9, 2003)
Thank you Ari :).
Knockoff (edited Mar 9, 2003)
Yea. I agree with every one that posted on this. You bob1ggity is wasting your time. If you think your wasting your time then dont comment. *cough* This is cool. I like the line-blur idea.
alwaysLearning (Nov 27, 2004)
This caught my eye from Ari's Gallery, and I have to say, graywolf, you created a nice effect by blurring the lines like that. I really like the results -- and I consider them very inspirational, in terms of giving me ideas about how to use the tool to better effect.
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