boardsbeginnerI DONT KNOW
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drawn in 10 min with OekakiBBS
TIMMYMOUSE (Mar 3, 2003)
TIMMYMOUSE (Mar 3, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Um... It's looking at me... *shrinks away*
Knockoff (edited Mar 3, 2003)
Its a sun guy face thing!
Azelrellon (edited Mar 3, 2003)
It'sh a happy sunflowar!!!
It looks so soft and plushie-ish.
I liiike it!
Eggie (edited Mar 4, 2003)
A little blurred but a cool character none the less.
Kazukie (edited Mar 4, 2003)
Neeeeeee! *Sits infront of the computer with a big bag of salted sunflower seeds* When this bag's empty I'm chasing this little dude down! =]
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