Ameraq (Sep 14, 2004)
I seem to have run out of room *cries* so...could one of the mods give me some more space on this picture so it can be finished? Please? please? please please please with a cherry on top?
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drawn in 4 hours 12 min
drawn in 2 hours 8 min
yeah....I have to sleep now i'll finish this probably sometime tommarow after school.
drawn in 1 hour 20 min
So i'll finish this...(maybe)....sometime...yeah. Hopefully I have enough room left cause if i don't that would just suck
drawn in 6 hours 27 min
2: take like...3 or 4 hours off the timer cause i was stupid and left it running while i went to a friends house
3: thank you method3 for adding space so i could finish it ^_^