FOURTY SIX MINUTES... FOURTY SIX MINUTES!!! God I hate people like you. j/k This is amazing. I hope you don't kill off too many of the right hemisphere brain cells! 8 ]
Thanks again...
seph, i know you're young so i'll forgive that comment, but remember drinking kills brain cells...
Another important lesson, Stay IN School Kids
Good LORD I posted a comment on Version ONE and now it's version two and still doesn't show up. It must notta been sent when I was being booted. Just so you know.. I've always thought this is an amazin picture.
56 minutes?! You ish mah hero o_o
I love this picture, the cherry looks so real! I love how you didn't make it perfectly round like most people do, you gave it those little dents and even added in the tiny yellow dots! I also LOVE the water! (cherries are teh delicious)
drawn in 46 min
Heading out for a few drinks, might muck around with it somemore...
i want to try and fix the stem up a little and make some changes in the ripples in the water but i'm almost afraid to f* it up
drawn in 9 min
-seph:Must make you proud to be an American after doing that eh^^;...?lol
seph, i know you're young so i'll forgive that comment, but remember drinking kills brain cells...
Another important lesson, Stay IN School Kids
Awesome job.
I love this picture, the cherry looks so real! I love how you didn't make it perfectly round like most people do, you gave it those little dents and even added in the tiny yellow dots! I also LOVE the water! (cherries are teh delicious)
This is my favourite cherry of 2draw, of all times.