forums2draw.netProblem Affecting Whether I Can Draw On 2Draw
Gigandas (edited Sep 5, 2004)
This is really complicated and I doubt anyone here has had the same problem I'm going thru, but it deals with logging in.I got three browsers and I'm using an iMac, the three being Safari, Internet Explorer, and Netscape.Internet Explorer used to work just fine but recently, I have to log in every time I move on to the next page and when I get to the image I want to work on, it just says "Image Not Found" along with being logged off^^;.Every time I do log in though, my name appears in the Online Users Box on the Main Page but above where it's supposed to show your name (and list of what you'd like to do such as go to your studio or read memos), my name doesn't appear.Netscape, being an old ver. just can't load an Applet and Safari does okay with the log in until it loads the applet with the image appearing as a white blank(as if I started a new pic).Anyone think they have an idea on how I can get either Internet Explorer or Safari to work?If you do, I'd like to hear them....thanks in advance(btw, I'm sorry it's hard to understand but I couldn't do much better at explaining the situation).
bumpinthenight (Sep 5, 2004)
This happened to me for a period of time... Mebbeh you messed with some of your internet settings that prevents you from saving cookies as well as a setting that refreshes the status of the site in a wierd way.... I actually dont know... It happened to me before my computer had a mass meltdown and had to have to harddrive reformatted, so I dont know what settings were actually changed... Try a new browser (such as the other ones that you have installed) or try Mozilla... Marcello is always touting mozilla as god... :) My apologies for not being of much help, and my sympathies for your situation... Good luck! XD
Axil62 (edited Sep 5, 2004)
Go to "tools" at the top of I.E. and pick internrt opions from the menu, then click the settings button and see if you have the "never" radio button clicked. If you do, click the "automaticly" radio button. Just a thought, not sure if that's it but after reading bumps comment, that's what comes to mind. The programs and advanced tabs also have buttons that reset your stuff to the default settings.
Gigandas (edited Sep 5, 2004)
Thanks guys, I got it to work.Changed the settings to "Ask for cookies entering each site" and it made it thru...
Now I can finish DBA's portrait....^^;

-Oh wait....just as I thought it was working again, it closes the window on me as the computer loads the problem I have to fix probably tomorrow....but if anyone thinks they know what the problem is, feel free to share with me.Thanks again and sorry for the trouble^^;...
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 5, 2004)
Sorry you're having so much trouble, Gig. I have no idea... my computer does less and less of what it's supposed to and gets laggier every day. Don't sweat it too much, you'll figure it out eventually.
Gigandas (Sep 5, 2004)
Sounds like what's happening to my computer DBA^^;.Seems like a new problem pops up almost every couple days including the connection itself because we have dial up.I just have to get the applet to work though so that I still have that to work with.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 5, 2004)
I'm taking some 3" magnum triple ought buckshot to mine and getting a new one if it doesn't straighten up. I'm sick of it.
Gigandas (Sep 5, 2004)
Heh, you can take mine along too if it doesn't start working either(Reminds me of when my cousin said he'd smash his crappy old computer with a hammer when he bought a new one).
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