I'm a lovey-dovey hopeless-romantic slash girl myself.
Still a nice picture nontheless.
Though some more detrail ould be nice; seams in the jeans, shirt... Look at your own clothes and figure out where teh seams are.
It will make the picture look less 'waxy' in the future.
Also, wouldn't the shirt cast a shadow on the jeans?
Confused about the light source in thisone. But I usually put a little buld/sun/light rays from the direction the light is coming from. Soooo.... yeah.
imho 13+ is pretty close to everyone. 90% of the people on 2draw are 13 or older. and if theyre younger they usually only have 18+ blocked out. id think so anyways.
and homos are welcome here. says me. i'll pwn anyone who thinks differently. and you wouldnt put it 13+ if it was a heterosexual couple. dont act like its scandalous or needs to be covered.
drawn in 15 min
drawn in 1 hour 22 min
Still a nice picture nontheless.
Though some more detrail ould be nice; seams in the jeans, shirt... Look at your own clothes and figure out where teh seams are.
It will make the picture look less 'waxy' in the future.
Also, wouldn't the shirt cast a shadow on the jeans?
Confused about the light source in thisone. But I usually put a little buld/sun/light rays from the direction the light is coming from. Soooo.... yeah.
and homos are welcome here. says me. i'll pwn anyone who thinks differently. and you wouldnt put it 13+ if it was a heterosexual couple. dont act like its scandalous or needs to be covered.
drawn in 3 min
drawn in 2 hours 11 min
drawn in 45 min
MLA-Kun: Wasn't the SA that I edited it because of, I just didn't like how the picture (pose, coloring) etc. was coming out. ^_^;;
Dont be afraid, there's a lot of SA lovers here I think ^^ And the picture is good, but I liked the previous better ^^