KC :D Glad to see ya here! Anyhow.. yeah.. I hate chocolate too.. lol. But during this whole drawing... all I wanted was a slice of chocolate cake. :| Thanks for the kind comments, y'all
This is such a mouth-watering picture...I am SO hungry for chocolate cake now...wait a minute...is that Zack's 'finger' mark...no, I guess I was seein' things...whew...
lol, Zack and laurael. :P I'm glad y'all like it and that it looks good enough to eat. mmmmm I seriously think I'm gonna bake one tomorrow... that way I could finally get it out of my system. Everyone's invited! :D
Nope.. didn't take 11 hours (I tend to leave my applet open for fear of not having enough space to return to it if I save) But it *DID* take me a good while to do.
drawn in 50 min
drawn in 2 hours 28 min
drawn in 8 hours 17 min
Downright delicious work, Anna.
Make sure you send me the biggest slice, it'll go well that that coke. ;D