boardssprites<3 o_<
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drawn in 32 min with PaintBBS
Day-chan (Jan 24, 2003)
Lol... couldn't find a better title to give it! >>; My first icon! Wee! 'cept for the fact I wanted to use it but I'm not blonde. @_@;; Ooooy! I just thought I made too many characters brown haired.. I needed something different! A Dirty Blonde! n_n;
Day-chan (Jan 24, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Kazukie (edited Jan 25, 2003)
She's so pretty!!! I rarely draw blonds or red heads or anything, they usually have black or brown hair... *nod*. I like this though! So cute! ^^
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 7, 2003)
Amazing! Day-Chan, how come I haven't seen you drawing in a while?! *GROAN!* GET TO WORK, WOMAN!
Mipunai (Aug 12, 2004)
Aww, she's really pretty n_n I really like her pose and her expression n_n
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