I love the design on the pants, and the whole thing looks sorta like a pencil sketch... Is he scratching his shoulder with his chin? I can't do poses at all...
Haha, I like this. Mitsurugi is one of my favs of SC2...I like this costume the most, very..... "hip-feudal"...thats not a word.. but I like saying it. Well done.
O.O;; Wow. Furrified Mitsurugi. Nice idea. I didn't know you played SC2!! I'd kill you all with Nightmare! He's cracking his neck, as I do all the time in quiet classrooms, making everyone around me cringe. Haha... Ehem! Anyway, It would look really good colored, and he's a tiger furry, which makes it all the better! Nice job, I like!
Sweet cam... but Mitsurugi is the symbol of all that is samuri and to defile, belittle, or cadapple(?) the name of Bujitsu is a blastfumus act..... Its badass though
I like it! Tankies for coloring it. It looks really awesome now. And how come you haven't been getting online on AIM lately? More of SC art! ^^ *woot!*
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 33 min
sketchyness... move to beginners
drawn in 58 sec
drawn in 30 min
drawn in 22 min