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marcello (Apr 1, 2004)
Yes, I know that was bastardly.
For those of you that missed it (or want to relive the moment): I am pretty sick of this. So much crap and lack of funds have brought me to this. It has been fun, but all things must come to an end. I had plans for a rather more elaborate and interesting joke, but they unfortunately fell through. (How much planning should one put into a silly thing like this anyway...?) One thing is for sure, I cannot do this next year. If there will be a next year. The message is not entirely incorrect. Lack of funds may eventually lead to such a demise as a reality, but I am not about to let that happen. (After all, I have put quite a bit of time into making 2draw what it is now.) To avoid deja vu, I will avoid repeating myself that we have looked at ways for 2draw to make money in the past. The question is what has come from the previous discussions. The 2draw ink project has produced a few possible logo/shirt design ideas. Are people interested in any of them, in the sense that, should we go ahead with doing high resolution versions and getting t-shirt sales online? Of the other ideas mashed in the past: +Some type of premium account (hard to think of features that do not require a lot of extra work); +2draw.net hosted boards where you get your own customizable board (which is planned, but requires a lot of work, at the moment); +Fund-raising, that is, donating with a set goal in mind; +Sponsorship, get a company like Wacom to sponsor the site, or even do something such as matching donations up to some point. Anyway, proceed to gut me or do whatever angry netizens tend to do. |
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davincipoppalag (edited Apr 2, 2004)
You got us baaaaad! Lol.. I had three heart attacks and serious withdrawal... lol... PS> To the rest of ya.. before you publicly flay our benificent creator, remember we are guests here, and if you can ,SEND MONEY
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LovelyLori (edited Apr 2, 2004)
Marcello already knows I shat my pants... and also knows I'm willing to help..... you just better watch yer arse, M.... there's always next year
oh, and I hope you enjoyed yer day off ;) |
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Fin_beast (edited Apr 2, 2004)
Seriously... I felt like crying... >_<
I would be very interested in buying a t-shirt. I'd really like the logo on a Black hoody. That would be sweet. :) |
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Pandora (Apr 2, 2004)
Hi Marcello..I'm new to this board and have been drawing in black and white for sometime. I tried opening 2draw yesterday and freaked. haha Soon as I discover a fantastic site it's gone. Well ,I must admit I have read some of your comets before, in different areas and sent a note to a friend who recommd this site. I said to her, I'll bet Macello is a jokester and hes playing" April Fools" on everyone. Haha Surprise, Surprise. Well, I also read that you would appreciate any donations. I would like to donate $50,000.00. I hope this will help in keeping all your efforts going. Well I missed yesterday joke day, so I'll send one to you. April Fools.. I don't have $50,000.00. Grrr do you bite? hehe (Sinister I am) Sorry but I would like to contribute to the cause and seek out others that maybe interested. Have you contacted the newspaper, museums, online drawing areas..what a great way for others to learn to draw. Rent out the space for teachers. As just another person enjoying your site, tell me what I can do to help?So sorry I got your hopes up..but you seem like a fun person, so I hope your not offened. I'm taking a chance in sending this but hope your laughing too. This program is unbelievable! I went all over the web trying to find something like this so it's well worth the effort of everyone to keep it going. Thanks for having me.
sal (edited Apr 2, 2004)
i think i would be interested in buyin a t-shirt if it looked decent....
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Doodlibop (Apr 2, 2004)
mean mean MEAN!! I was shocked and heartbroken beyond belief, till I realized it was a horrible joke >:P
Well, it does have truth to it though, and I'm still trying to find a way to help out. MEAN!! *hits you with a sock* |
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marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
I might have bitten if you said a more reasonable sum, such as $1,337
sal: look at the ink board I linked, those are the current design ideas drawn by various peoples. |
sal (Apr 2, 2004)
*looks at ink board* i like urs and fins designs the best so far... shame there isnt more to choose from... have u decided on a mascot yet marcello?
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foxman8245 (Apr 2, 2004)
OMG Marcello.... that is the best one ever!! Not to mention I think it sets some kind of record for the largest mass April fools joke ever!! I just turned my mom, (gloworm043) on to your site and she was really loving it and puuting out some nice beginer drawings. She called me freaking out ! LOL She was so mad.. she said why didnt he at least give a warning so we could save our stuff?!! I couldnt believe it either! (I have already saved all my drawings) hahaha. So... once again.. GOOD ONE!!!
Poet (Apr 2, 2004)
ha ha ha.. *cough* The sad thing is, perhaps people wont come back after that joke. Actually the only reason I checked this site again was because someone sent the link to me to look at again. Very nice joke... I was too stupid to put April fools and that message together.
I think the reason I fell for it so bad is because I don't go to this site often.. only once or twice a month to have a lurk around. I had no idea when that message had gone up, so... That hurt. |
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DMV (Apr 2, 2004)
Marcello you da man! the best april fools joke in the world:) yesterday i was trippin and i thought to myself , If this is a joke awesome if it's for real bummer...I was on another site and drew a headstone that said RIP 2draw lol!( If this was my site I would have done the same) *standing ovation for marcello*:)
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Xodiak (Apr 2, 2004)
That was a great April Fool's joke! Next year, bring the site down just like you did yesterday, but instead of writting that the site is closed because of crap and lack of funds, write: "You were banned from 2draw" >:)
|XOD| |
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marcello (edited Apr 2, 2004)
poet: it went up april 2004, obviously. it did say april 2002-april 2004
xod: nice one :) |
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Kasha (Apr 2, 2004)
Marcello, you are teh SUCK!
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marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
yes, I R
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Northern_shadow (Apr 2, 2004)
godamit. bastard. i was already prepared to jumop off from bridge... (great apj. thou...)
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2004)
Proceed to gut you, huh? ;) I'm actually good at gutting stuff. *Gets out USMC K-BAR knife* I was visioning this.... Your state isn't far from mine, so I figured if I jacked my little brother's highway patrol car (after making sure the shotgun unlock on the panel worked), hit the lights and siren and haul ass, I could be to the state line in just a few hours....
That was so mean!!!!! Mean, mean, mean!!!! What can I do to help? (lol) |
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method3 (Apr 2, 2004)
That was awesome, rofl Xod. I think you should do that just randomly on and off just for the hell of it, why just on April Fool's?
sal (Apr 2, 2004)
because theres a fine line between funny and lame? :)
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rosalyn (Apr 2, 2004)
YOu bumb! marcello! You scared me half to death! I was about to cry when i saw your stupid prank! * sniffs* My sis was so freaked too! She almost started to cry... THAT WAS NOT FUNNY! * cries* I hated that! :'(
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furyofroy (Apr 2, 2004)
Haha. It was my idea. No, seriously.
Part of me knew it was an april fool's joke, but part of me was beginning to think it wasn't a joke. I still had some back-up oekaki sites to draw on, so I wasn't freaking out totally like all you other silly people. |
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Knockoff (Apr 2, 2004)
Lmao. Awesome job ther' marcello.
Yeah for the first few minutes I wasn;t so sure but after that when I came backThe work April stood up and it just kept my thinking it was a joke. Plus if the cite would go down, I doubt it would be so abrupt., Anyways great april fools joke, marcello. |
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davincipoppalag (Apr 2, 2004)
we had backup sites too..but we were Jonesin for the blender in lascaux...
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EverDream (Apr 2, 2004)
Hee I half expected it to be a prank considering that it was April the 1st...that gave off the clue to me that you probably weren't serious. Hey, I probably would've pulled the same thing...aside leaving small clues though....*snickers*
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Childlike_Vampire (Apr 2, 2004)
YAY I are so very happy it is all back! This is a good day for me! I get my pichurs and favorite site back, and I started my new job...which means money, which means donations. YAY! (again!)
Good one. No gutting you, it are too messy. ^_^ |
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Maiko (Apr 2, 2004)
hahaha ^^ i knew it..
you didnt put teh n00bie part! how could you XD |
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Fluffysheep (Apr 2, 2004)
Omg...You really got me there... o.O
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longway (Apr 2, 2004)
i'd like to contribute also, and hey, its not a crime to ask for help! especially when it comes to keeping a place online, where we all like to spend time. i would like to see a premium members utilities, get started, also reconsider the wacom advertising. this is a great site. we can't afford to lose it. another idea, we are all artists, why not have each of use offer a piece for sale, in a 2draw shop? there are some awesome artists here on this site, and it is kinda cool to think we each offered piece of ourselves to keep it going......add a shop to 2draw with those t-shirts, and other cool stuff...
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Ari (Apr 2, 2004)
Gah... That was cruel, Marcello... *deathglares* Xod's idea is better, IMHO ^_^
I intend to donate as much as I can, now that I'm working... And Longway, great idea! I second that! |
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marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
So are you suggesting some kind of 'art sale' system where some % goes to 2draw, and the rest to the artist? And the artist could choose the % if they wanted...
dunno, do you think anyone would buy it? |
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dixielandcutie (Apr 2, 2004)
pfffft. marcello...*shakes head*...*sigh* hehe. ya got me...;p that might be cool really cool actaully...
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DinoFlorist (Apr 2, 2004)
Don't they do that on Deviant Art? Where you can order prints of work? I don't know how much more trouble it owuld be to have a site where you can upload high quality images from traditional mediums, but if you were able to work out some kind of "art exchange" where people could be traditional work and prints and glean a percentage somewhere along the way I think you could make a ton of money.
I would have kept that idea to myself, but I know that I will never learn to make a competent webstie in which that is possible. Also, I don't see why banners are so bad. I don't know how much money they give you, but if it keeps 2draw alive and free, I would say go for it. I am really quite poor right now ( a lot of us are in college, so maybe when we all graduate and get nice-paying jobs you will get a big money boost), but I would be willing to click on some ad 10 times a day to support the site. I know many of us appreciate it. |
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Pandora (Apr 2, 2004)
Longway has me thinking a little. For those that can't afford the art work, but would like a piece of someones art have it printed on a t-shirt, or have their own artwork printed on a t-shirt. Would a t-shirt company be willing to work with you if you advertise their site?
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Apr 2, 2004)
I agree with Dino and longway, but I don't think the artist should choose the percentage. That would just get really hairy - you could just have a set reasonable charge (figure out what your overhead will be, the extra to do the deal, make a set percentage of what you need (and it wouldn't be a crime for you to make a dollar or two to put in your pocket for the extra efforts, either) I think prints/posters, postcards and notecards would sell way better than t-shirts. I know they would. You could keep the place running and make money just by people buying their own art. If the artist does get a percentage, you will see more quality work here, as it is an added incentive for the existing artists to do better and one for more good artists to jump in, but I don't think it's necessary to even give the artist a percentage if you don't want to. People will still participate. People can't stand NOT to participate! Put together something like this, keep the site running, and stick a couple of bucks in your own pocket. (And use the money you make to get that Lascaux out of the shop and on the racetrack)
edit: About the sponsors/banners - my personal opinion is that one of the reasons I like this place is because there isn't any of that. Nothing flashes at me or pops up while I'm drawing. (But if it were the only way to keep it going, I could tolerate it) |
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laurael (Apr 2, 2004)
I 'thought' it was an April Fools joke. Seriously though...if that's what it would feel like to lose this site...I'm gonna donate for sure then. There's nothing out there like this and this is the best setup.
On longway's suggestion...absolutely fantastic idea. (I'm puttin' in my order for DBA'S bear...) Again, seriously...whether you decide to go for the shirts, pictures, calendars, mugs, mouse pads, whatever ...there are SO many fabulous works up here that, if you decide to go for any of this...I just might go broke...seriously. |
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shudson (Apr 2, 2004)
I can't believe I joined the day before, and yet missed the April Fools joke... I'm glad this site is sticking around though, I might be new but I'm already hooked ;)
I personally think some kind of "extra" would be incentive enough for many people to donate money. Perhaps a small extra for small donations and a bigger extra for the rich people who give lots. |
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method3 (Apr 2, 2004)
Please read my latest post on the other thread about getting direct prints of actual 2draw work. I know this has been brought up at least a few times already, and I don't think anyone really addressed it seriously as of yet.
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marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
extra what though? 2draw is pretty open/free as it is.
The main problem with premium accounts is there are no obvious features to give them without removing features from free accounts (which I don't really want to do)... |
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longway (Apr 2, 2004)
i have seen some excellent work here, why couldn't we just pledge one drawing each, with the total going towards a premium as a members only board. it does more than just pay a premium to keep 2draw going. it gets your name out there. people who happen in here, through some carefully placed banners on our own pages online. can see not only a great selection of art to buy. but enjoy also. again, most of you have a page on your own art, or can easily make one. place a 2draw banner or link on a group profile or page, as in "favorite links". when people get here, they get a chance to sign up for a basic membership, or one we create called the drawboard members...or whatever. or just a free pass to browse the boards or shop. the t-shirt idea would be great, get a printer to cut a discount on them, for free advertisement in return. the special members could have their board with no advertisements. i would be willing to donate a piece of art, for sale, to pay my premium, with no percentage in return. proceeds would go in an account for the expenses, and upgrade for the site. as i do know, i feel a small percentage should go to the site owner, as the work is enormous to maintain and upgrade of a website. marcello you might consider giving a select few the ability to help with that overwhelming work. another site i visit, does this as a volunteer service....this could all work with cooperation...and tons of ideas....
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2004)
Pledge one drawing? We use his site for free, basically, hell, he can use all of mine for whatever he wants.
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marcello (Apr 2, 2004)
Wow, um. I suggest you use some capitalization and paragraphs so that your block of text can be read... I don't quite understand what you're saying, care to rehash?
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Shuichi-chan (Apr 2, 2004)
I really should shi-ne yo ass, but as it is 2:00 in the morning, i don't really feel like making a trek all the way to where ever you are...I had to listen to my friend whine about it allllll day long, and it got pretty fricken annoying....next time...just stick to putting koolaide in the shower head or toothpaste or laxitves in oreos.....
to_tired_for_sex (Apr 3, 2004)
cool joke, i fell for it!
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Deformed (Apr 3, 2004)
*stops crying* You S**T HEAD!!!
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method3 (Apr 3, 2004)
I also don't follow the pledge idea, it sounds like you're saying people should pay money for artwork that is good for no other reason than the fact that it's good? And get nothing in return? Which will somehow create money for a members only board? I'm just going off the definition of pledging that I'm used to, where people donate money depending on how good you do (for instance, if you're a runner for a good cause or something, people pledge you and donate according to the number of laps you actually run.)
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foxman8245 (Apr 3, 2004)
What's the big deal about selling art and buying memberships? F*ck man, there IS a place to make donations, right marcello??? What's wrong with some of you utilizing that feature? (I am... for sure!) This site is to cool to let die!
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Gothic_Otaku (Apr 4, 2004)
Dude, that was NOT funny! NOT FUNNY. I seriously freaked! I was about to throw the monitor across the room and cry in a dark corner. Don't ever do that again! >:(
Well, all the anger and hostility aside, the t-shirts thing is a pretty good idea, and I'd buy one no matter what it costs. One thing...if the tsirts do come out which store will sell them? Because I have some average, boring stores nearby (Sears, JCPenny, etc.) but most of the good stores are about a two hour drive away from where I live, and you would be able to buy them online too, right? I would be able to make my own 2draw t-shirts, but that wouldn't help the site whatsoever, would it? ;) selling art...it would look good on a mousepad, greeting card or a t-shirt. Premium accounts could have even more space to draw on than free accounts, a special premium members board, maybe premium members could get points with every payment. Also a (rather) small detail you could put in is premium members could get a specialised name like moderators, or maybe it could say something like 'premium artiste'or whatever. I've always admired speciaised names, so to me it would be pretty cool. How much would a premium account cost? I'm only 12 but I'm sure if the price was low enough I could squeeze some money in. Heck, maybe I'll donate someday. |
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_Neko_Sama_ (Apr 4, 2004)
How come nobody remembered it was April fools day? It's my cat's birthday for heaven's sake *which well you didnt know* Right when I saw it I was like *sarcastically*'Nice April Fool's joke, Marcello.' I laughed quietly and went back to what I was doing. I'm donating to too many sites these days, my favorite ones that I want to keep running, heck im running out of money, but just to be kind, i'll do whatever I can to help, I'm only 12! hey if Marcello calls me stupid again I might just rethink about donating. I won't donate to a site that calls it's users 'stupid' thats just mean. >:( oh here's my yibble kitten- i mean, toodles
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SaheraNights (Apr 4, 2004)
I thought that joke was the ultimate one..though aliens landing and abducting the earth would be a good one too
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marcello (Apr 4, 2004)
hey if Marcello calls me stupid again I might just rethink about donating. I won't donate to a site that calls it's users 'stupid' thats just mean. >:(Well that's a stupid way to think about it. ;-) as for the tshirts, gothic, they would only be sold online, 2draw would not stand a chance in mainstream stores like you mentioned. Again, even though you think it would look good on a mousepad, it actually would not. the images have to be rather high resolution for them to look good. (Or lots of little ones...) |
sal (Apr 4, 2004)
what about the stickers idea? everyone loves stickers....
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marcello (Apr 4, 2004)
find a site that does em...
sal (Apr 4, 2004)
ive been lookin at a couple of sites... not sure if its really what ur looking for tho..
http://stickersexchange.com/ http://www.domelabels.com/customlabels.htm http://www.123stickers.com/ http://www.stickybusiness.com/Products_Services/graphic_design/graphic_design.htm http://ez.clickprint.com/cp/cgi-bin/browse_class.cgi?id=434 |
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marcello (Apr 4, 2004)
I didn't look at those closely, but the first couple seem to be companies where you have to buy stock, then sell, ship em yourself. I personally have no time, patience, or money to do this. The sites we have been looking at so far are zero-inventory on-demand sites where they do not make more items than are ordered.
sal (Apr 4, 2004)
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Deformed (Apr 4, 2004)
Mabye you could make pens with the 2draw logo on it. Or, you could catalog the best art from here and put them on t-shirts. I would defenetly buy anything with the 2draw logo on it.
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marcello (Apr 4, 2004)
Those are huge stickers, I was thinking like a sheet of little postage-stamp sized stickers...that is, if one wanted to put drawings on stickers...
Otherwise, for the large size, one would have to do custom designs at higher dpi |
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Gothic_Otaku (Apr 4, 2004)
you should make 2draw school supplies....yesh...2draw crayons ;3
j/k but, seriously, you should try to make 2draw posters or something like that....custumized and such...2draw pin/buttons, or a buyable 2draw manual? 2draw keychain, tshirt, stickers, notebooks, looseleaf papers, bookbags, folders...etc but the whole school supply idea isnt that bad....I'd buy a 2draw notebook :) |
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marcello (Apr 4, 2004)
again, the logos and designs still have to be made, and they haven't been made yet... it takes time. time I don't have, and I don't expect anyone else to
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Xodiak (Apr 4, 2004)
I'd buy 2draw fetish gear. <:)
|XOD| |
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method3 (Apr 4, 2004)
Gahh, I just would like to say that I choked on the cereal I was eating when I read Xod's comment. Anyway, continue on.
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marcello (Apr 5, 2004)
omfg lmfao. your fault for eating cereal at 1:30am
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jord (Apr 5, 2004)
(i should probably read the rest more closely before suggesting something but here 's my idea anyway)
Maybe some combination of a fund-raising and a t-shirt/sticker sell could help. E.g. some designs are made, the best ones are elected and then there's a poll with the question how many people would buy a t-shirt or whatever with that design, for that(no idea what) price, and saying yes = binding. With a goal-amount to be reached for the project to start, i guess there some extra motivation to actually buy... hmm, this too probably demands too much time/work... |
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fleeting_memory (Apr 5, 2004)
*finally wakes up from faint she was in after April fool's shock* I'd love to buy a shirt-but I still like the hoodie idea-but I dunno about the whole art sale thing then of course you could put it on ebay-you can sell anything on ebay-and I mean anything
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Gigandas (Apr 5, 2004)
That's very true FM.In fact, I heard a guy sold a half-a-sandwich on ebay once.And people actually bid for it^^;.Kinda funny though when you think about it....mmmm, must be tasty after all the time and process of shipping and handling....@_@
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 5, 2004)
Deal is... not that many t-shirts will sell. Not that many things with the 2draw logo will sell. Small items like postcards, posters, etc. with prints of the actual art from here WILL sell. IF you can figure out the resolution problem to get a quality print. I'm tellin ya, that will work. And I thought it was an april fool's joke, but it was just a really bad day for it to happen to ME. MARCELLO!!!!! ;) I have recovered, though, and my psychiatrists say that it is hopeful......lol jk.
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thug (Apr 6, 2004)
any thing with a 2draw logo will only sell to the folks who use this site, how would you market or promote the products outside of this site? You need money from an outside source, otherwise ,and don't flog me for writing this, charge the users of this site a small fee that will cover monthly expenses.
Brnies (Apr 6, 2004)
T-shirts are cheaper than gas these days, buy in bulk, offer 3 or more styles, when someone clicks to view an image have a button that says "Wear this art Today" I see potential here and alot of it. Put the 2draw logo on it and offer signed by artist stuff omg. Have our signatures archived somewhere so you can bring them up and lay them over like an iron on of the draw which a decent printer can do these days...the mind is boggled at the possibilities...sounds like alot of work tho, any BA's degrees in here, I do see a market tho, many want to be different and not wear Tommy Hillfigers and such crap like that. Count me in, I have been wearing my own painted shirts for years....all around interesting idea for a way for all of us to get our art out there dont ya think? I think 2draw would benefit alot as well, lets hear more ideas!
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 6, 2004)
Posters, prints, notecards, I say... again.
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marcello (Apr 7, 2004)
again dba, what of?
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davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2004)
Different categories. Anime,Cartoons,Realism,Fantasy Take the best images in each category and make a set of cards/notecards,posters,prints...etc..to appeal to the wide range of interests that we have represented here. Then a General category with some of the truly extraordinary images (like tappie-chans Japanese girl in the kimono, and those kinds of pictures which might have general appeal to most everyone. Alot of us would order and use some of those kinds of things, I know I would. People could even have their own work done on these to send to their own friends (hey, I drew the picture on this card!) that kind of thing... I plan to keep contributing also. I know you put an incredible effort into making this site what it is and I am hoplessly addicted. It MUST stay!
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LovelyLori (Apr 7, 2004)
I know... why don't I just give you $1,337, Marcello and let's just all relax? hey... there's a thought
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marcello (Apr 7, 2004)
yea, but the problem is most of the images aren't high enough resolution to print at more than postage stamp size...
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thug (Apr 7, 2004)
he's right they would all look like axil's David letterman image. I think there may be some company, like Waycom, that might help with the $ if you give them a little space for advertizing. I'd like to know also how much a month it takes to keep it up and running. I remember seeing the figure $80 once. If that's all it is each user could pay a dollar a month or $10/ year and the site would make a profit for the mods.
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LKC22 (Apr 7, 2004)
i wuznt here than,, but if u did every randomly kill this site i would die o.0 and dont charge cuz than i wont be ablet ot come...
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furyofroy (Apr 7, 2004)
Are you paying attention to what they're talking about?
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Fin_beast (Apr 9, 2004)
Someone could just steal someones credit card... That would be a good way of getting money. ;P
Personally... I would buy stickers and/or clothing. I think you should contact Wacom Marcello. See what they have to say. Just an Idea. |
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Deformed (Apr 10, 2004)
Yeah. I agree with Thug. What's avertiseing tablets gonna do to this site? It's nothin bad and it ties in to the atmoshere of the site. Tablets=drawing.
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Gothic_Otaku (Apr 10, 2004)
Advertising is okay, but just don't make any popups. :) Maybe a small icon at the bottom, but nothing like a big flashing banner at the top of the bage that temporarily blinds j00. Maybe a 'in associaton to' and then a small bite size pic of wacom...,etc.
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marcello (Apr 10, 2004)
gothic: you don't magically get money for those things. The reason some sites do popups is because you get paid nothing for "a small icon at the bottom."
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foxman8245 (Apr 12, 2004)
Why not just make it a pay site??? Like $5.00 per month?? Wouldn't that be alot easier than spending money to try and produce products to sell? Seems a 5 dollar fee would be less of a headache. Something like $5.00 per month / pay for 6 months.. $25.00 / pay for the year .. $40.00 ?? Just a thought to throw out there.
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marcello (Apr 13, 2004)
2draw would suck if it were like that.
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davincipoppalag (Apr 13, 2004)
My other site found a place they are looking at for Tshirts. I saw the setup and will get the url for you. Apparently they make them to order as orders come in. There were a variety to choose from with several different logos for that site, and the webmaster said they give our site like $2 for each shirt ordered. I will ask him for the address and forward to you when I get it.
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Gothic_Otaku (Apr 15, 2004)
foxman8245: most (about 2/3) of 2draw users are under 18 and can't afford to pay a monthly fee. (including me)
ziroNU (Apr 19, 2004)
You should do a t-shirt logo contest!! Like, have a theme of the week (but hopefully longer than a week..) be "2 Draw T-SHIRT CONTEST!!!" and have people oekaki up the entries or somthin like that, and then, have people vote at the end of the deadline, choose one to two (or maybe three) designs that people really liked, and then stick em on shirts or somthin.. and have em sell. (of course, you give the winner the t-shirt with their oekaki/pic on it..)
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marcello (Apr 19, 2004)
If only it were that simple. Nothing is stopping people from drawing designs now...
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foxman8245 (Apr 20, 2004)
Well, just stick to the way it is now. If people want to donate, fine. From everything I've read, there is just no way to produce capital for this site. Every idea that has been posted here has been shot down.
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Fin_beast (edited Apr 20, 2004)
But I want to show off wth my 2draw Hoody!!!1|11!11
All my friends basically call me 2draw. lol |
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method3 (Apr 21, 2004)
The tshirt idea and poster idea are "underway".
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davincipoppalag (Apr 21, 2004)
I would buy a tshirt with those faces Clox draws on them in a heartbeat! lol Love em
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Xodiak (Apr 22, 2004)
I would buy a t-shirt with those naughty nude girls Clox draws on them in a heartbeat! I love them! >;D
|XOD| |
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DinoFlorist (May 2, 2004)
I have been printing some of my better work on this site to use for my art class, just in my sketchbook. I print them on high quality paper and they come out exactly the same size as I drew them and with 80-100% of the resolution as I see on my monitor. Of course, it helps that I have a beta model of the HP PS9500 printer (which is now out). I am not really sure what "print" has to mean, but larger pictures (500x500 and above) look pretty nice printed onto this paper. But, as long as people realize that what they draw is what will show up, this seems feasible. Because I am not sure how much the laser jet toner costs, nor how long it would last, I am unsure of an exact price that could work for this. But I am thinking 2.50 plus shipping and handling would turn a decent profit per print, as well as being inexpensive enough to make people want to buy them. If you knew how to mat, you could probably send a printed, matted version for about 7.50 and turn even greater profits.
When we start talking about making prints of OTHER people's work, then this is where the price might go up. I firmly believe that the maker of the work should get a percentage. It may not be very much, but if you got 1.00 every time someone ordered your work, it might be cool. Now, I really believe that this will work. In fact, if it's a matter of not having a $6,000 printer, I would be willing to handle it. If you are interested, I think we could work out a price where all the costs of printing, shipping, etc are covered, the artist gets a percentage, and 2draw gets a percentage. Whether 2draw wants to be involved or not, I still think this would be a good idea for anyone who wants a pretty good physical representation of their 'online' work. Also, in this case, if nobody ordered, at least you wouldn't LOSE money. I don't have any capitol to invest; the printer is up and running and I have enough paper to do a few. So orders could be taken whenever. It's no really no risk to try this unless people are unhappy with the image quality they are getting. Like I said, it's a high resolution; this is a great printer, but its still a printer, not a press. The picture that you see on your user board is the picture you will have printed. This printer will print on basically any type of paper, so as long as I have it, it can be done. Does this sound interesting to anybody? Marcello? |
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dixielandcutie (May 2, 2004)
i printed a picture on photo paper...on a reasonabley priced new hp model printer...the quality was really good...its easy
tivatdoar (May 11, 2004)
how about getting some goverment money as an educational site? (I think teens drawing is better than violence...) also you can install the site on school computers for a fee, thus creating a new subject :-). also if anyone (p.r company) want's to buy the rights for one of the drawings, you can prehaps get the middleman fee... just add a little icon with the writing "if you want to buy/use this draw leave me a massage" than you'll get the massage, connect with the painter&conpany and close a deal. this may also attract more pro's. love your site! |
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PhenyLALAnine (May 11, 2004)
Posted: 16/4/2004 1:57AM I think I was richer when I was 16, working, and living with my parents than I ever will be again!! I can't even afford my phone, let alone the internet. Paypal is a really good option, it let's people from all over the world use debit facilities. One thing you might like to look at marcello is splashplastic, basically it enables younger people to pay for goods online (only available in the UK at the mo.), they get sent a card, which can be topped up at the post office, newsagents, online etc. It'd be a good way to enable people without debit card facilities to make a donation. There must be similar schemes in the US as well. |
Typo_Maan (Jun 2, 2004)
hey just woonder in. haas it evvr happen tthat yoo caant draw. My sccreen goes grray....and.........yaa............plaase heelp!!
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Knockoff (edited Jun 4, 2004)
Hmmm, this isn't the place to post it. Plus. you have horible typing.
-Hey, just wondering. Hes it ever happend that you can't draw (why yes, a lot. When Im sleeping) My screene goes gray, .... and..... Yeah. Please Help! Well, Do you even have java, likely NOT. hehe yeah.... |
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bumpinthenight (Jun 4, 2004)
Knockoff, I think that dudes name is a sure sign that he intended his spaelng tuh bay bahd.... XD
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