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method3 (Mar 3, 2004)
Do not create a thread or post asking why your picture has been moderated in some way (edit, set to unfinished, deleted, etc). The moderators are fair in their judgement of pieces in order to keep the spam down here at 2draw, do not create more spam asking why your previous spam was removed. Read the rules again if you're not sure why something was moderated.
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davincipoppalag (Mar 4, 2004)
everything in moderation...
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mazi (edited Mar 4, 2004)
ty method3. ive really wanted to delete those posts lately but it wasnt outlawed yet.
(p.s. the docs system is calling your name) |
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Axil62 (Mar 4, 2004)
What if we do anyway?
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furyofroy (Mar 4, 2004)
Post a thread complaining about a deleted post? It will be deleted with a point deduction.
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Axil62 (Mar 4, 2004)
Big deal.
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furyofroy (Mar 4, 2004)
Probably a large one.
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foxman8245 (Mar 4, 2004)
I am a little guilty of this but, sometimes things get deleted for reasons that are NOT in the rules, ie: the "unwritten" rule about if you write that you were bored while drawing, it will be deleted. Needless to say, I never include the word "bored" in my comments. I use, devoting energy to an inverted continuum of time.
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furyofroy (edited Mar 4, 2004)
Well, you're sort of right.
We delete drawings that if the person was "bored", and did not try in the least to do a good job on their picture. For example, if a person was bored, and drew a stick figure, we would delete it. Even something a bit more sophistocated than a stick figure would be deleted, if the person did not put effort into it. It still fits into the rule about the quallity of pictures. If someone was bored, and spent three hours on an amazing picture (it's possible, believe me), then we would not delete it. See? We just get a little peeved if the person just doesn't care at all, and they make matters worse by mentioning that they were bored in the process. |
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Pkingsora (Mar 4, 2004)
o . o...strange..isnt the reason for drawing most of the time they were bored..and so they started drawing..and in the process became inspired (or somthing like that..) i would think that the person cared about te picture..they finished..specially if they upload it..
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Zinc (Mar 4, 2004)
"isnt the reason for drawing most of the time they were bored"
No one said you couldn't draw if you're bored. The purpose is to have fun, supposedly. Then there's a point where someone would draw a 5 minute wreckless drawing and send it in.. because they were bored. That's the problem. Go ahead and draw if you're bored, but don't send chicken scratch crap in. Just close the window when you're done. It's less rude, in my opinion. |
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foxman8245 (edited Mar 4, 2004)
OK.... this is just not right..... i started a drawing in the intermediate board, and I'm not even close to being done. It is marked UNFINISHED!! However, a moderater cast judgment on this drawing before its completion, and docked me 10 points and said "This drawing is not even close to the standards of this board" I had planned, tomarrow, putting some extreme detail into each and every building, sign, chimney, and the flag. The street in front is not done (wanted to have a busy street with a few cars and people). The background, I wanted to put an orange/reddish sunset with reflection off the clouds. SO I ASK YOU, how can you delete this before completion? I could understand if this was a completed drawing and THEN was judged, but come on!!! Are you people having to fill a deletion quota?? this is the UNFINISHED drawing........ http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/16248/
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laurael (edited Mar 4, 2004)
That is an awesome pic foxman...even with all the line tool use.
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foxman8245 (Mar 4, 2004)
And its not even done, BUT, why the 10 POINT deduction on an incomplete drawing??
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laurael (edited Mar 4, 2004)
That 'is' screwed up...Hey...I just commented on it...they brought it back?
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foxman8245 (edited Mar 4, 2004)
Im sure if they started a drawing and just got the base of it done, and then got 10 points deducted and told "Hey, this is not good enough" they would be pretty p*ssed off!!
Its there but I still have a 10 point deduction there. I just want to know how they can deduct points before a drawing is done!!??!!?? |
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laurael (edited Mar 4, 2004)
Ask Marcello to give you the pts back, I'm sure he will.
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mazi (Mar 5, 2004)
there is a reason for unfinished hidden.. if it looks like not much effort at the begining and like its not going anywhere mods can delete it. but if its hidden and we dont see it we cant delete it. the only real purpose for plain unfinished is feedback. otherwise youre best off with hidden..
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foxman8245 (edited Mar 5, 2004)
I understand that, and was hoping for some feedback. I just dont understand, its still there, yet, there is still a 10 point deduction. Also, I submitted a drawing finished in the beginner board, http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/16267/ -- (which I meant to do on the theme board) but it's showing in my studio as unfinished with a 5 point deduction??
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davincipoppalag (Mar 5, 2004)
its because you're not planning to share the pizza fox,....
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dixielandcutie (Mar 5, 2004)
yes. because the meaning of life can be found through pizza. mmmm.
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foxman8245 (Mar 5, 2004)
LMAO .. ok.. ok.. Pizza for anyone who can explain why points get deducted for an unfinished drawing, that is no where even close to being done!
(no fish on the pizza though) |
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marcello (Mar 5, 2004)
Do the messages say "by moderator"? If they don't, then the points were somehow lost by you (such as moving to a different board)
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foxman8245 (Mar 5, 2004)
This is what is posted, I copied and pasted for accuracy... Entry Deleted with Penalty by Moderator
The quality of this picture is not up to the standards of this board. 13hrs ago -10 |
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marcello (Mar 5, 2004)
um, wasn't it restored?
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foxman8245 (Mar 5, 2004)
yes, but the points were not given back
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marcello (Mar 5, 2004)
well yea, that's not something that's easily done
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foxman8245 (edited Mar 5, 2004)
So, Im just out those point?? Well, ok... I think you should train your mods better to actually read the info provided by the author such as finished or unfinished. I think I speak for alot of people that if a rule is broken, the mods are so quick to throw a penalty on us. Do you, as the #1 dog of this site, penalize mods for making mistakes, like giving the mods point deductions?? I think that would be fair, and also teach your mods to be more proficient when preforming their duties as mods.
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mazi (Mar 5, 2004)
haha jeez dont act like were nazis out to get you. or like youre the first person to talk smack about the mods. its the diff of like 5-10 points... if youre planning to stick around long enough to see any changes anyways i promise you thats no big deal. who cares anyways. the only advantage to lots of points is being in the top 10 thing or whatever. if you post/comment every now and then people will more than likely see you just as often. the only other advantage to lots of points is not getting negative and getting the boot for being an assmonkey. which youre not. so dont get your panties in too much of a knot. and mods? ok im a mod and personally our "duties as mods" isnt like a reward or something. we dont delete pics for fun. i dont sit here all "meh meh meh im gunna delete some suckers pictures!! muahah!" erm. no. if you suck and mods are deleting your pics, then instead of complaining and whining, why dont you prove us wrong, and draw something mad crazy. and improve, so we wont delete your pics.
gah. im so sick of all this fighting. -_-; the rules are the rules and its cellos site. he makes em. so stfu and make your own site with your own damn rules if you want, you buncha anarchy kids.... yeesh. |
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marcello (Mar 5, 2004)
just remember, it's a benevolent dictatorship, not a democracy.
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method3 (Mar 5, 2004)
Mwhaahahaha, you should see the fun deleting rampages I go on. Sometimes, just for kicks you know, I go around and delete pictures by little defenseless girls just for the hell of it! In fact, Marcello leaves us in such a slovenly state that we have no duties as mods, except to pwn you fools.
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davincipoppalag (Mar 5, 2004)
lol well said Marcello! I like that.. ..I did think there would be some kind of discount on the Tshirts for a large points accumulation however.. lol
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marcello (Mar 5, 2004)
"yea, so um, you have 4 bajillion points, meaning you've used up quite a bit of bandwidth, and thus, I think your t-shirt should cost more."
;-) |
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Krystiana (Mar 5, 2004)
Personally, I don't even CARE about point deduction, as long as I don't drop below zero.
I don't like the fact that there's very little communication. A couple months ago I had been working on a picture, and I ran out of room. I requested more room, and was waiting for a response when it was deleted. I was REALLY disappointed. When I asked about it in the forum, Marcello, you had said that you had looked at it, and decided that it didn't need any more room. I never heard back from you, and I left it set on unfinished. Less than a week later, it was deleted. I didn't do ANYTHING wrong. I know this is a free site, and 'you get what you pay for,' but it's still a bit disappointing to see a picture that I was proud of disappear, and I can NEVER get it back. I probably shouldn't 'suggest' anything to the moderators since you seem to be pretty set in your ways, but it's kind of common courtesy to at least let us know if you decide to give us more room or not. It's easy to see when you DO, since it shows up in the points log. However, to not even know if you recieved our memo requesting more room is really more nerve-wracking than it should be. I like to know if my work is going to disappear or not. |
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Zinc (edited Mar 5, 2004)
Yup, that was my fault, Krystiana. I thought that pic was completely abondoned. I'm surprised it hasn't been brought back yet.
Edit: It should be back in your studio now. My sorries for toi. =0P |
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Krystiana (Mar 5, 2004)
*glomps Armado* Dude, I'd forgotten what that pic looked like.
Oy... I haven't glomped anyone in a long time. O.o Anyway, THANKS!! Thumbs up to you. I know moderating can be a royal pain in the behind, so I hold no hard feelings. Moderating at this site, especially, seems like it would be extreme hell. I vow to never aspire to become a mod here. (So I basically have to do NOTHING AT ALL! That's a good feeling. ^_^) Now... off to staring at the picture for an hour or so... trying to remember where I was going with it. *nod nod* Thanks again. ^___^ |
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Zinc (Mar 5, 2004)
Um. No. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for relieving my guilt. Enjoy your drawing. ;D
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concannon (Mar 6, 2004)
Holy shit, Armando's being compassionate.
Krystiana, what did you DO to him? O__o |
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Zinc (Mar 6, 2004)
That's right. I'm a sweet and caring person.. 24/7. Shit yeah.
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SaheraNights (Mar 10, 2004)
It kinda hurts the others cause..Mine get deleted all the time..I got used to it though..can't they? If they get it deleted, that should encourage them more right? It's put me up a step!
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