boardsintermediateThe Three of Swords
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drawn in 2 hours 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
BlackLaertes (Feb 18, 2004)
Well, the idea was supposed to be that even though the swords pierced the heart multiple times, it does not break, because love can survive, but the backround, the outside I suppose you could say, shatters so that all you can see from the outside (we're looking from the inside?) is a shattered shell. Well, it was an idea.
BlackLaertes (Feb 18, 2004)
drawn in 47 min
BlackLaertes (Feb 18, 2004)
drawn in 33 min
BlackLaertes (Feb 18, 2004)
drawn in 9 min
I don't like that handel...but I'm tired. So I won't fix it tonigh...**yawn**
BlackLaertes (Feb 18, 2004)
drawn in 34 min
It turned out worse than I had hoped, but I hope to fix it...
Gigandas (Feb 18, 2004)
Hey BL, I really like these stained glass drawings you do.I really do,but can you please try free handing least once?It's just not as impressive when you use too many tools to create your image.It'll take some practice to make a good circle or a good line, but hey, all good artists have to go through the practice sometime to perfect it.I'm just advising you here so you can appeal more to your audiences.If I were drawing this, the only thing I might use the tools for are the letters.If it's too much trouble for you, start out by using the circle tool to get that going and then create your own straight lines for the stained glass image.Hope you'll try this out sometime.It'd be really cool if you could be pro at making circles and drawing straight lines^^.Good luck.
davincipoppalag (Feb 18, 2004)
I think this is a creative line .. you need to sharpen up parts of this one but the concept is good..
BlackLaertes (edited Feb 19, 2004)
Giga: I'm sorry! **wimper** Its so hard! **Chibi teary eyes** I'll try though! Don't expect the next one to be good though...I think I'll do...the Lovers or the Tower...
Here, I'll go to the beginner board, then I'll do some circle and line practicing...check it out and tell me if its good?
Gigandas (Feb 19, 2004)
Hey, I'm on your side^^;.Just thought you might like to be able to impress people better, so I just gave you some advice.Nothing you should be depressed over^^.
BlackLaertes (edited Feb 21, 2004)
drawn in 3 min
Sorry for the blurriness, can't help it, it just does that, it doesn't look like that on the program...ah well.
Giga: ^_^ Thanks for the comment. I'll take your advice to heart, and I will practice my lines and circles. ^^;; The circles are especially hard, so I'll do those most...Thanks again!
Gigandas (Feb 21, 2004)
Np^^.Hope to see you raise your skill limit as you progress^^.And about this pic, the style of the inner details are unique and awesome>v<.Hope to see more of your work in the future^^.Btw, your clown drawing looked real cool too.I would wanna see more of those drawings as well^^.
dixielandcutie (Feb 22, 2004)
i like the stained glass look. and no worries bl, improvement can be paiinful, lol. but youre doing wonderfully!
graywolf (Feb 22, 2004)
KIKU-SAN!!!!!! This bees good but glass must glimmer and swords must have a few cracks as well. Apart from that this is a hell of a good drawing!
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