oh wow. thats really an awesome draw...know the feeling. i love the water and the detail of the cherry blossoms. i love your drawings btw. they always say so much.
I was scrolling down and was like hey this is a nice peaceful picture and then I saw the reflection and was like whoa...completely takes you for a spin. I always love your concepts even though some of them are depressing like this one. I love the fact that you have the tree without blossoms in the reflection as well because it emphasizes his suffering. The dirt's still a lil sketchy obviously but I am impressed with the ripples...they reiterate the water feel over the reflection...can't wait to see this done
I, too, lurve your dark concepts, and this picture is a marvelous example. When I first realised that his reflection was bleeding, I looked at it and thought, "It needs a dead tree in the background." Whaddya know? lol... Very nice.
I really like the way you did the water and my favorite thing is the petal/leaf floating there. Perhaps we should get this dude some antidepressants and then we can have an all "happy" pic. lol
Opps, I've run out of Space... Again.. *bangs ead on table* I'm making a dreadful habit of this....
But yeah, The sky I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I did It black, in attempts to mimk the way Clamp does some of its work. HOwever, its hard to see the tree now...
Nice idea with this one and you did a great job in drawing the idea out too.That's usually a hard thing to do is come up with some idea and try to make a good example of it.But you did an awesome job here...wow......><
lol whoa this is interesting. the subject matter is pretty 14A-ish I'd say lol since the blood and scars on his face in his reflection on the water is pretty intense. But overall it's a pretty cool pic. good job.
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drawn in 8 hours 40 min
But hey, my opinion doesn't matter. What matters is your opinion, and for what it's worth, I think you did a great job on this.
But yeah, The sky I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I did It black, in attempts to mimk the way Clamp does some of its work. HOwever, its hard to see the tree now...