Just wow. The detail and smoothness of the lineart is overwhelming. Some people can really draw hands, too... Can't really see it, but should it be slightly bigger?
Hey Clox, Whatever that dude's always smokin aint too good for him, ya think? He looks a little green. :) lol On a serious note, i like it. Nice clean lines and i'm getting some sort of message from his head? Is that veins shaped like a tree, and is that the eternity symbol on his forehead? mysterious....
I don't know what to say, it's just awesome! I really like the way you shade and lighting your pictures, it's somewhat comic like and yet the detailed lines make it different from normal comic styles. Awesome!
drawn in 28 min
REALLY looking forward to see this finished.
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 2 hours 1 min
drawn in 1 min