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marcello (Dec 30, 2003)
Now that I hopefully have your attention, let's get down to business.
First, on a matter of using 2draw: Post as unfinished hidden! We don't care if you have to leave (suspiciously 5 minutes after you started drawing), or only spent 5 minutes on it, provided we don't have to see it. If you post as unfinished hidden, only you can see the drawing (by clicking on your studio at the top of any page on 2draw). And moderators can't delete what they don't see. This also works for collaborations, so you don't need to post as visible for collaborators to access the drawing (it will be in their studios as well). As an added incentive, moderators may at times change something from unfinished to hidden. Although you'll lose points in the process, you won't lose your drawing, and still have time to bring it up to snuff. Plus it's a lot fewer points than if the picture is deleted. The next matter is of the Fate of 2draw. The simple matter is that 2draw costs money to run (*shock*). Currently the total donated amount (since 2draw first accepted donations 8 months ago) works out to roughly half a month of running the server. And although I appreciate any donations, it's impossible to rely on 2 people to donate. Since 2draw is a free site, there are basically 3 ways to support it. A) accept donations, but this only works if people donate; B) provide some sort of pay service where you "donate" more regularly, but get something besides 2draw out of it. Again, that only works if people actually pay for it; and last of all, C) I go out and get a job and pay for it myself, which is what I've done up until now, but 2draw has gotten too big for this to last very long. There are other ways, some of which have been thrown around, like selling t-shirts (you'd have to sell a LOT of t-shirts to actually pay for anything), or adding pay features to 2draw (I don't have enough time to code the features I know how to do, let alone features I'd have to research and spend at least a few months on–which no one might even buy), or banner advertisements (besides the moral issues there, it'd just ruin the site and if I actually put enough to pay for the site, people would think it was a porn site), but no one has shown any more interest in these problematic ventures than A and B. So, the question is, do you want to support 2draw? |
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ky (edited Dec 30, 2003)
I already made my mention of this subject.
I cannot pay with a credit card, but I do wish to help. And about the unfinished thing... there is an option to make it unfinished and public. If you don't like it when people do that,you should remove that option. |
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marcello (Dec 30, 2003)
There are plenty of perfectly legitimate uses of unfinished public, such as being mostly finished but need input, or having complete (finished) lineart, or wanting a collaboration (and having something good already). It's really a matter of having something worthy of commenting on.
But posting 5 minute sketch lineart of half a face, that no one really can say anything useful about, is not. |
TGgold (Dec 30, 2003)
I wish I could help Marcello....but I really can't right now. As it is, I may have to start supporting the oekaki at BN if the moving of UnixDaemons leaves us with too little space....
Why don't you have something like...every dollar you donate you get 10 points or something. Then, have a room where you can get a request or something after reaching so many points. That way if someone wants a request from someone they could donate for the points and still get the request. Hope that's of some help ^_^; |
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coffeejelly (Dec 30, 2003)
i could afford like $5-10 monthly, so if you have the monthly option, i can help out :o
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nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
Um.... like I talked to you before for the donating Marcello.... I want to pay in cash with a donation of all the people who live in my area that go on 2draw. Yes, I'm aware that it mite get "lost" in the mail, but we can try, right?
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Childlike_Vampire (Dec 30, 2003)
I have been unemployed for about 4 months now, and I've lived in three different places since I came to 2Draw (thankfully I'm sorting out my life thanks to good ole mom and dad), and as soon as I get a regular paycheck I can promise that I'll be sending money. Because this site has really helped me, given me direction towards what I want to do with my life, and helped improve my drawing skills. I'm proud to be apart of 2Draw.
nyao - you know, you could probably take all the cash and go to your local Western Union clerk and get a nice money order with a receipt. Costs you like 15 cents. Less than the stamp, lol. ^__^ |
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furyofroy (Dec 30, 2003)
gimme your address, I'll give you 20 bucks.
no really, I'm serious. make that 30 bucks. |
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ky (edited Dec 30, 2003)
I'm willing to do the same.
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Wolfheart (Dec 31, 2003)
Give them a friend's address, so if anyone tries to stalk you they'll be stalking the wrong person. thats what friends are for :D
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Juna (Dec 31, 2003)
If you change the site to a pay service, or offer it to people what kind of added features would be added for those people? Just curious im willing to sign up for the pay service but at the moment i seem to fit into the 'lack of funds' catagory. And how much would u charge say per month or every six months?
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marcello (Dec 31, 2003)
well if you read what I wrote, you would realize that doing that requires me to spend even more time and effort into adding the new features, something I don't have. if someone wants to suggest something that many people would actually pay for monthly and is worth putting even more time into, go ahead, but there's really not a whole lot more to add to 2draw at the moment, not something you'd typically pay for.
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evil_cloud (edited Jan 1, 2004)
I'm so surprised!! One of the two who helped donatin hasn't done even a draw. And here there's people that has a lot of drawings (i include myself) and doesn't want (well or they can't) to donate.
I'll try to do a Paypal account and donate, becus this is the best website of the entire world, and Marcello needs our help. He has done that amazing website and we, the users of 2draw we must support it!! ;) HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! |
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mkkmypet (Jan 1, 2004)
I'll do what I can Marcello, but currently, I have no job, and won't have one (that pays decently) for another 13 years or so. But, I'll donate as much as possible. I'm willing, 2draw has improved my drawings skills more than those stupid art lessons did.
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ky (Jan 1, 2004)
I'm willing to send regular amounts of money, but honestly, PayPal and that jive don't work for me. And it's difficult with this system of the internet and being so far and unknown people. Kinda sucks.
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mazi (Jan 3, 2004)
yeah see id be donating but a) my parents think its a big scam and they watch tv way too much. -_- and b) i havent had a job since like april and im broke.
but once i get a job id be up for sending you some money marcello. someday in a far-off land. (i didnt get hired at mcdonalds. its getting sad.) |
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ky (Jan 4, 2004)
And just more excuses. I apologise, Marcello, that out of 'thousands' of users, only two can pay.
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mkkmypet (Jan 5, 2004)
Ky, Take time, read the other comments. Alot of us are saying that we will send money regularly. Furyofroy, Nyao, Me(If I had money to give), Even you.
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furyofroy (Jan 5, 2004)
if you have no money to give, can you give regularly?
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ky (edited Jan 5, 2004)
I read all the comments. What's your point? I want to help him just as regularly as the lot of you do. What can I do? What can you do? Nothing. Exactly. That's my point. We're just a bunch of children, leech users who can't help, and mostly, it's unchangeable by nature.
But what you fail to read, little missy, is that Marcello does not want to distribute his address. It's why no one can help without credit card. It's why I'm apologising. Then again, you could always ask him. -donation page- |
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coffeejelly (Jan 5, 2004)
how about interbank fund transfers? it's a common way of transferring money in my country, not sure if it's popular there :o
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evil_cloud (Jan 5, 2004)
heh, of the thousands of ppl that is registered here, only 8 we talk about this, grrrrrrrrrrr....
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jord (Jan 6, 2004)
idd crisann...i was wondering too if it's not possible to just go to the bank and make a payement on marcello's account... in the benelux (belgium-netherlands-luxemburg >> international payement) it's possible i think, but i don't know if it works 'intercontinental'
i want to support, but i hate to say it this publicly cause that sounds so empty and cheap... i guess that's a reason why alot of those thousands of people do not react...if they know they won't actually pay, even if they want to, then it's better to shut up i guess |
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marcello (Jan 6, 2004)
If people want to donate by mail, email me how much you want to donate and what method (check, money order, gold bullion, etc..).
Because of the hassle involved, I'll probably decide on some kind of minimum, depending what people say. Maybe we should do a fund raiser thingy (like, we have to reach $500 (half a year) or something). |
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Fin_beast (Jan 6, 2004)
Yea a fund raiser thing would be good.
How much does it cost for the server a month? |
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xvolcomx (Jan 6, 2004)
Fund Raiser...that would be cool. I'm up for helping raise funds.
Have you thought about getting a P.O.Box? Then no one can stalk you as easy. ;) |
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marcello (Jan 6, 2004)
Ya, but that costs like $40 for half a year, unless I've been looking in the wrong place...
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mazi (Jan 11, 2004)
how're the funds doing, marcello? enough for a while?
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Look (Jan 24, 2004)
I would like to help 2draw to keep running, but only if I can get a job first. (so I would have money to donate)
Banner would be a good idea though, at least they would help to some extent. Or, maybe ask some site see if they can free-host or give you discount. I think sites like rydia.net actually gives discount to other nice art community sites such as artcorner.org anyway, I really like this board even though i'm new here. :) |
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marcello (Jan 24, 2004)
Banner would be a good idea thoughno, it wouldn't. |
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davincipoppalag (edited Feb 10, 2004)
I can afford to send help.. I am new here..but I love the artwork I see and once I get used to your tools..maybe mine will be better... but I need the site to stay for that to happen.. I dont know what it costs to run this but I can handle $10 or $20 a month if that will help? Is it possible to do it monthly? Update:
I figured it out... I'm proud of myself.. lol.. |
Harlie_Mcallister (Feb 29, 2004)
sorry but i'm only 14 and didn't get a saturday job lol
my parents think its seriously way to obvious NOT fair! lol . :( |
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marcello (Feb 29, 2004)
make up your mind, are you 11 or 14?
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lilypad (Mar 3, 2004)
really, Harlie. are you eleven or fourteen?
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LKC22 (Apr 7, 2004)
i dont think i'd be able to pay if u changed this to a money service thing... i'd go to another site. i think most people would too. cuz the experts here could go to +Oekaki Circle+ they have really good artists there but u can only go if u expert! so thats where some coudl go. plus there are other sites 2. for the intermediate or beggingers
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