kowst (edited Apr 10, 2002)
omg MARCELLO!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just spent absolutely ages drawing a picture and it was deleted!! I pressed submit and it said "all drawings have been submitted sucessfully, but it didnt ask me to give it a title or description or anything, which I though was a bit weird...
then I went to the member board where it should have been and it wasn't there!!!!!! AAARRRRRRRGHHHHHH!! It was the best one I have done so far!! Please... is there any way you can rescue it??? Its of lesbians if that helps
marcello (edited Apr 10, 2002)
Sorry dude, it doesn't look like it got saved. About what time did you try to submit it?

Also, did you take a screenshot like it says on the side? (And on the news.) If so, then obviously the image isn't completely lost...

I'll run over the source again to see if I missed anything...

[edit] The source looks ok, but unfortunately due to paintbbs' somewhat clunky error system, it's difficult to report all errors. I'm now experimenting with a possible new system which will be able to catch any errors php, syntax, or my own.

[edit2] Ok, the new system is now in place, all errors should be reported to the applet properly! Woohoo! Likewise, if you *do* get an error, please let me know!
kowst (edited Apr 10, 2002)
well, I'm not sure exactly what time it was submitted, but it was just a few minutes before I posted that so... :'( I didn't take a screenshot 'coz I forgot so I guess it's lost... it was sOOOO good too!
Xodiak (edited May 6, 2002)
no... pictures of lesbians are not supposed to get lost!... <:(
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