Showcase entry!
EverDream (Oct 14, 2003)
kk.....venting again, and this lady was the result. Heh, think it's one of my rp characters in real life if she were. And yes, her eyes are really infact a shade of blueish-purple. *grins*For those of you who wonder why I'm crazy for working with the paint applet, it's a challenge for me with the limited options and perhaps maybe I am a little nuts in doing so......*smirks* Never the less though do Enjoy. ^_^
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drawn in 4 hours 1 min
*gives EverDream the back-hand*
The lips and nose look really good!
The only minor problem i see is that half the head is missing... "p
honestly though, you're nuts to use paintbbs. I'm not really impressed with people wasting their time in paintbbs anymore though, mostly disgusted. ;-)
drawn in 3 hours 25 min
You've managed to amaze me yet again! I'm in awe at the hair and .. practically everything else..
What bugs me are those single strands of hair that aren't antialiased, they really throw off the rest of the pic. oh and of course I hate paintbbs's font ;-)
cool pic.